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初学者头痛PHP DOMXPath

[英]Beginner headache PHP DOMXPath

I try to write a simple PHP to scrape a html page. 我尝试编写一个简单的PHP来刮取html页面。 I don't know why I cannot get the result? 我不知道为什么无法得到结果? Here is some of my PHP code: 下面是我的一些PHP代码:

//$html , successfuly get the html from "http://m.hkgolden.com/topics.aspx?type=HW" by curl

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$xpath->registerNamespace('x', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml');

$itemList = $xpath->query('//x:div[contains(@class,"TopicBox_Details")]/a');

var_dump($itemList); // it show --> object(DOMNodeList)#4 (0) { }

foreach ($itemList as $item){
        $this->child_urls[] = $item->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0)->getAttribute('href');

var_dump($this->child_urls); //it show --> array(0) { } 

the same xpath query is work in the firefox XPath Checker, but the same query cannot work in PHP. 在firefox XPath Checker中可以使用相同的xpath查询,但是在PHP中不能使用相同的查询。 am I did something wrong? 我做错什么了吗? Firefox XPath检查器



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