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PDO lastInsertId() 总是返回 0

[英]PDO lastInsertId() always return 0

I've come across with a problem.我遇到了一个问题。 My framework was working just fine with PHP 5.3.0.我的框架在 PHP 5.3.0 上运行得很好。 I upgraded my PHP version to PHP 5.4.x and I started to have few issues with some parts of my framework.我将 PHP 版本升级到 PHP 5.4.x,并且我的框架的某些部分开始出现一些问题。

After PHP version upgrade, PDO lastInsterId() always returns 0 . PHP 版本升级后, PDO lastInsterId()始终返回0

I have auto-increment field called id .我有一个名为id自动增量字段。 It is adding the data to database without any problems.它正在将数据添加到数据库中,没有任何问题。

For some reason I keep getting 0 as last insert id.出于某种原因,我一直将 0 作为最后一个插入 ID。

Here is my code;这是我的代码;


public static function create () {
        global $db;
        $attributes = self::sanitize(static::$fields);

        $sql  = "INSERT INTO ".PREFIX.static::$table_name." (";
        $sql .= join(", ", array_keys($attributes));
        $sql .= ") VALUE (:";
        $sql .= join(", :", array_keys($attributes));
        $sql .= ")";

        return ($db->crudQuery($sql, $attributes)) ? true : false;

public static function lastInsertID () {
        global $db;
        return $db->handler->lastInsertId();


public function crudQuery($sql, $data) {
        $sth = $this->handler->prepare($sql);
        return $sth->execute($data);

First create() method is called, then crudQuery() method is called.首先调用create()方法,然后crudQuery()方法。 As I mentioned before, I can add the data successfully to MySQL database.正如我之前提到的,我可以成功地将数据添加到 MySQL 数据库中。 Unfortunately when I call lastInsterID() method, it always returns 0.不幸的是,当我调用lastInsterID()方法时,它总是返回 0。

I will be really glad if you can help me out with this problem before I will get the last ID with SQL Query (:如果您能在我使用 SQL 查询获得最后一个 ID 之前帮助我解决这个问题,我将非常高兴(:

Other than a bug in php/PDO or your framework, there are two possibilities.除了 php/PDO 或您的框架中的错误之外,还有两种可能性。 Either lastInsertId() is called on a different MySQL connection than the insert, or you are generating the id in your application/framework and inserting it, rather than letting auto_increment generate it for you. lastInsertId()在与插入不同的 MySQL 连接上调用,或者您在应用程序/框架中生成 id 并插入它,而不是让 auto_increment 为您生成它。 Which column in the table is the primary key/auto_increment?表中哪一列是主键/auto_increment? Is that column included in $attributes in your create() function?该列是否包含在create()函数的$attributes中?

You can test PDO to make sure that part is working correctly with this code (in a new file):您可以测试 PDO 以确保该部分使用此代码(在新文件中)正常工作:

// Replace the database connection information, username and password with your own.
$conn = new PDO('mysql:dbname=test;host=', 'user', 'password');

$conn->exec('CREATE TABLE testIncrement ' .
$sth = $conn->prepare('INSERT INTO testIncrement (name) VALUES (:name)');
$sth->execute([':name' => 'foo']);
$conn->exec('DROP TABLE testIncrement');

When I ran this script, the output was当我运行这个脚本时,输出是

string(1) "1"

提交事务后 PDO::lastInsertID() 将返回 0,因此最好在提交事务之前调用此方法。

The one other problem could be using $pdo->exec($sql) instead of $pdo->query($sql).另一个问题可能是使用 $pdo->exec($sql) 而不是 $pdo->query($sql)。

exec($sql) will return always 0 when you use $pdo->lastInsertId().当您使用 $pdo->lastInsertId() 时,exec($sql) 将始终返回 0。 So use query() instead.所以改用 query() 。

When no exception is thrown, lastInsertId returns 0. However, if lastInsertId is called before calling commit, the right id is returned.当没有抛出异常时,lastInsertId 返回 0。但是,如果在调用 commit 之前调用 lastInsertId,则返回正确的 id。

http://php.net/manual/es/pdo.lastinsertid.php http://php.net/manual/es/pdo.lastinsertid.php

I got a 0 when the last insert statement failed due to a foreign key contraint.由于外键约束,当最后一个插入语句失败时,我得到了一个 0。 last_error was a string. last_error 是一个字符串。

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