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[英]How to get the Id of corresponding th of td in a table

I have a scenario like 我有一个场景

            <th id ="myid1">header1</th>
            <th id ="myid2">headre "2</th>
            <th id ="myid3">header3</th>

there can be thousands of row . 可能有成千上万的行。

i need to get the id of the td on which that perticulat td belongs to. 我需要获取该pertedulat td所属的td的id。

for example . 例如 。 if i click the third td of third row .. i should get the id of corresponding th , here it is myid3 (here its hard coded but it will set based on the value from server side) 如果我点击第三行的第三个t ..我应该得到相应的id的id,这里是myid3(这里是硬编码但它将根据服务器端的值设置)

$('tbody td').live('click', function() {
    var idOfTh = ??
    $('td').click(function() {
        alert($('table th').eq($(this).index()).attr('id'));

Working JSfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/6etRb/ 工作JSfiddle: http//jsfiddle.net/6etRb/

You only need to use live delegation if the table rows are being added dynamically, and in that case you should use .on() as described by others. 如果动态添加表行,则只需要使用实时委派,在这种情况下,您应该使用其他人描述的.on()

The following answer is wrong, but I'm keeping the edit as it may help someone 以下答案是错误的,但我保留编辑,因为它可能会帮助某人

$('tbody td').live('click', function() {
    var tdIndex = $(this).parent('tr').indexOf($(this));
    var idOfTh = $(this).parent('table').find('tr').eq(tdIndex);

Untested, but theoretically should work. 未经测试,但理论上应该有效。


The above is incorrect, as pointed out by Felix Kling below. 以上是不正确的,正如Felix Kling在下面指出的那样。 The correct way to get the index is simply by calling $(this).index() . 获取索引的正确方法是通过调用$(this).index() I had presumed this would find the position of $(this) within the matched selector (in this case, every <td> in the <tbody> ), but actually, if you pass the index() function no arguments, it finds the index relative to its siblings . 我假设这会在匹配的选择器中找到$(this)的位置(在这种情况下, <tbody>中的每个<td> <tbody> ),但实际上,如果你传递index()函数没有参数,它会找到索引相对于其兄弟姐妹 Thanks to Felix for pointing out the relevant documentation . 感谢Felix指出相关文档

You can use eq() method, try the following: 您可以使用eq()方法,尝试以下方法:

 $('tbody td').live('click', function() {
     var ind = $(this).index()
     var idOfTh = $('thead th:eq('+ind+')').attr('id')

Please note that live() is deprecated you can use on() instead. 请注意,不推荐使用live() ,而是可以使用on()

First of all, the .live() function has been deprecated. 首先,不推荐使用.live()函数。 If you want to delegate events, use either .on() (jQuery 1.7+) or .delegate() . 如果要委派事件,请使用.on() (jQuery 1.7+)或.delegate() I'll assume you're using .on() for the rest of this, but there's only a minor syntax change (switch the first two arguments) if you have to use .delegate() . 我假设您正在使用.on()来完成剩下的工作,但是如果必须使用.on() ,则只需要进行少量语法更改(切换前两个参数.delegate()

$(document).on('click', 'tbody td', function() {
    var tdIndex = $(this).index();
    // ^ gets the index of the clicked element relative to its siblings
    var thId = $('thead th:eq(' + tdIndex + ')')[0].id; 
    // ^ selects the th element in the same position in its row, then gets its id

Here's a way you could do it: 这是你可以做到的一种方式:

$('td').click(function() {
   var colNum = $(this).parent().children().index($(this)) + 1;
   alert($('#myid' + colNum).text());    

jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/p8SWW/4/ jsfiddle: http//jsfiddle.net/p8SWW/4/

The handler can looks like: 处理程序可以看起来像:

function() {
    var self = this
    var th_num = 0;

        if (this == self) {
            th_num = num;
            return false

    var th_id = $('thead th').eq(th_num).attr('id');

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