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[英]Win forms font settings

i have one screenshot to show. 我要显示一个屏幕截图。 On the left is settings dialog from my vb.net application and on the right is Microsoft SkyDrive dialog. 左边是我的vb.net应用程序的设置对话框,右边是Microsoft SkyDrive对话框。

http://croos.org/so.jpg http://croos.org/so.jpg

The difference is huge. 差别很大。 What are the fonts in the SkyDrive dialog? SkyDrive对话框中的字体是什么? Buttons, labels, tabs? 按钮,标签,标签? My program uses Font = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont (Segoe ui) but it's not good enough. 我的程序使用Font = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont(Segoe ui),但还不够好。

How can I achieve that my dialog look like one from the right. 如何实现我的对话框看起来像右边的对话框。

Thanks 谢谢

I believe that the screen shot of skydrive that you have shown is using Tahoma (or something very similar) font not Segoe UI. 我相信您显示的skydrive屏幕快照使用的是Tahoma(或非常相似的字体)而不是Segoe UI。

Try this code: 试试这个代码:

Private Sub Form_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Me.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8)
End Sub

Or just set the form font in the properties window. 或者只是在属性窗口中设置表单字体。

I created a new form using the Tahoma font - this looks almost identical to me. 我使用Tahoma字体创建了一个新表单-与我看起来几乎相同。 My form on the left and your original on the right for comparison: 我的表格在左边,您的原件在右边,以便进行比较:


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