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[英]Nesting JavaScript Objects

I am writing a simple JavaScript application. 我正在编写一个简单的JavaScript应用程序。 The code consists of creating an object deck which can have many nested card objects. 该代码包括创建一个对象deck ,其中可以包含许多嵌套的card对象。

Basically, I wanted to be able to access each card in a deck instance like this: 基本上,我希望能够像这样在卡座实例中访问每个卡:


I have used the following function to create my deck prototype: 我使用以下函数来创建我的牌组原型:

function Deck(){
var cardStack = []
//deck properties & methods

function card(){
//card properties methods

I've been adding each card to the deck and storing them in the cardStack array, using push and pop methods of JavaScript arrays. 我一直在使用JavaScript数组的pushpop方法将每张卡添加到卡座中并将它们存储在cardStack数组中。

This however does not allow me to access my cards as I wished to do: 但是,这不允许我按照自己的意愿来访问我的卡:


Can anyone point me in the right way to achieve this? 谁能指出我实现这一目标的正确方法? Is it possible in JavaScript? JavaScript可能吗? Thank you in advance :-) 先感谢您 :-)

You need to define the objects and functions as properties of the parent object by using this : 你需要通过定义对象和函数作为父对象的属性this

function Deck() {
  this.cardStack = [];
  this.card = function() {

Now calling the method works: 现在调用该方法即可:

var deck = new Deck();
deck.card();   // Prints 'Hullo'

To access the single card objects, you will need to make your cardStack a public property. 要访问单个卡对象,您需要将cardStack为公共属性。 Inside the constructor, the this keyword is a reference to the current Deck object, so you can use: 在构造函数内部, this关键字是对当前Deck对象的引用,因此您可以使用:

function Deck(){
   this.cards = [];
   // deck properties & methods

Then, access a single card of var deck = new Deck(…) via deck.cards[2] , and call a method of it. 然后,通过deck.cards[2]访问一张var deck = new Deck(…) deck.cards[2] ,并调用它的方法。

Or you use an accessor function to the cardStack array. 或者,您可以使用cardStack数组的访问器函数。 Extended example: 扩展示例:

var Deck = (function() {
    function Deck() {
        var cardStack = [];
        this.getCard = function(i) { return cardStack[i]; };

        for (var i=0; i<5; i++)
            cardStack.push(new Card(i));
    function Card(i) {
        this.method = function() {
            alert("Hi, I'm card №"+i);
    return Deck;

var deck = new Deck();
deck.getCard(2).method(); // alerts "Hi, I'm card №2"

You can implement such a method dynamically simply by adding the property to your object at runtime in the method where you are pushing your card or deck onto the array. 您只需在将卡或卡座推入阵列的方法中,在运行时将属性添加到对象中,就可以动态地实现这种方法。

For example: 例如:

var DeckStack = {
    initialize: function() {
        this.deckStack = [];

    addDeck: function (name) {
        this['deck' + this.deckStack.length] = name;    // <-- We add a method or property to the object dynamically

console.log(DeckStack.deck1);  // Writes 'test' to console

// This will show our new method/property as part of the object
for (var meth in DeckStack) {

Maybe you are creating a Card object. 也许您正在创建Card对象。 If so, you would use: 如果是这样,您将使用:

var card = new Card(name); // For example
this['deck' + this.deckStack.length] = card;

and it would be available as a property on your deck object. 它将作为甲板对象的属性提供。

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