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[英]Regular expression for allowed characters

i need to check, if the string in my PHP code contains only a specified list of characters. 我需要检查,如果我的PHP代码中的字符串仅包含指定的字符列表。 But as some of them might need scape, i just can't get it to work. 但是由于其中一些可能需要花scape,我只是无法使其发挥作用。 I have tried everything, but it just doesen't work... 我已经尝试了所有方法,但是却行不通...

The required validation is: 所需的验证是:

  • 0-9 0-9
  • AZ AZ
  • az z
  • chars: .%^& ()$#@!/ -+/ 字符:。%^& ()$#@!/ -+ //

Basicaly, i want to check if there is an unknown ascii character (i don't know if there is a function to do that already). 基本上,我想检查是否有一个未知的ascii字符(我不知道是否已经有一个函数可以做到这一点)。

My code is like this now: 我的代码现在是这样的:

if(preg_match("/[A-Za-z0-9\.\#\-\+\*\\\/\=\_\%\$\(\)]/", $cmd) === false)

So, all of the chars are special? 那么,所有字符都是特殊的吗?

No, all of those characters are not special. 不,所有这些字符都不特殊。 If you're unsure, you can let PHP do the escaping for you with preg_quote() : 如果不确定,可以让PHP使用preg_quote()进行转义:

$regex = '/[A-Za-z0-9' . preg_quote( '.%^&()$#@!/-+/', '/') . ']+/';
if( !preg_match( $regex, $cmd))

Also, preg_match() returns an int , and you're doing === on a boolean, which will never hold true, since they will never be of the same type. 另外, preg_match()返回一个int ,并且您正在对布尔值执行=== ,因为它们永远不会是同一类型,所以永远不会成立。 You can simply check for if( !preg_match()) . 您可以简单地检查if( !preg_match())

You might be missing a * at the end of the regexp. 您可能在正则表达式的末尾缺少* Also you could instead have the set expressed like [\\x00-\\x7F] (taken from here ). 另外,您也可以将集合表示为[\\x00-\\x7F] (从此处获取 )。

This should work: 这应该工作:


if(preg_match("/[.%^&()$#@!/+-a-zA-Z\\d\\s]+/", $cmd) === false)并且是否需要锚if(preg_match("/^[.%^&()$#@!/+-a-zA-Z\\d\\s]+$/", $cmd) === false)

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