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如何使用通过php GD生成的图像动态更新页面

[英]How to dynamically update a page with images generated via php GD

Currently I am dynamically generating 1-(N) images via php GD based on user form input, and then posting into an iframe, that displays the image. 目前,我正在根据用户表单输入通过php GD动态生成1-(N)图像,然后发布到显示该图像的iframe中。

But theres a couple of problems: 但是有两个问题:

  1. Iframes seems to be a drag when styling. 样式化时,iframe似乎是一个障碍。
  2. The user dont seem to be able to "rightclick->saveas" the images properly when in iframes. 在iframe中,用户似乎无法正确“右键单击->保存”图像。

So are there any better methods for doing this? 那么,有没有更好的方法可以做到这一点?

Use a fixed size div element with overflow: scroll set on it. 使用固定大小的div元素,该元素带有overflow: scroll设置。

For example: 例如:

#container {
    width: 600px;
    height: 300px;
    overflow-y: scroll; //vertical scrolling only

It behaves in the same manner as an iframe, but allows you better control of both content via javascript and styling via CSS. 它的行为与iframe相同,但是可以通过javascript和CSS更好地控制内容。

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