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[英]Null value when trying to retrieve from other class

somehow my mind is not working and mild fever didn't help. 不知何故,我的思绪不起作用,轻微的发烧没有帮助。

I have the following code, batteryLevel here shows the correct value - 50. 我有以下代码,batteryLevel在这里显示正确的值 - 50。

public class AlarmEventService extends Service {    
    static String batteryLevel; 
    int level = intent.getIntExtra("level", 0); 
    batteryLevel = String.valueOf(level); 
    Log.i(APP_TAG, batteryLevel);

Why in my outside call when I get value of AlarmEventService.batteryLevel the value is null? 当我获得AlarmEventService.batteryLevel的值时,为什么在我的外部调用中值为null?

public class AlarmEventReceiverWake extends BroadcastReceiver { 
    Log.i(APP_TAG, "Battery Level " + AlarmEventService.batteryLevel);

From what you have presented of the code, there is no reason why it shouldnt work as expected. 根据您提供的代码,没有理由说它不能按预期工作。 It may be possibile that: 它可能是这样的:

  • Another variable named batteryLevel may be declared locally, thereby not assigning the value to the global version. 另一个名为batteryLevel的变量可以在本地声明,因此不会将值分配给全局版本。
  • the value of batteryLevel may be reset after your initial call. 初次通话后,batteryLevel的值可能会重置。

Make sure that the statement: 确保声明:

batteryLevel = String.valueOf(level); 

is actually being called before 实际上是被召唤之前

Log.i(APP_TAG, "Battery Level " + AlarmEventService.batteryLevel);

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