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[英]C# get and set property by variable name

Is there any way to do this? 有没有办法做到这一点? I try to test if a property of an object exists and if it does, I want to set a value to it. 我尝试测试对象的属性是否存在,如果存在,我想为它设置一个值。 (Maybe the complete idea is bad, if true - why?) (也许完整的想法很糟糕,如果是真的 - 为什么?)

class Info
    public string X1{ set; get; }
    public string X2{ set; get; }
    public string X3{ set; get; }

Dictionary<string, string> values = new Dictionary<string, string>();

Info info = new Info();

foreach (var item in values)
  string propertyName = item.Key;
  string value = item.Value;
  if (info.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName) != null)  //this probably works
        info.propertyName = value; //this doesn't, how to set it?

Yes, your looking for the PropertyInfo.SetValue method eg 是的,您正在寻找PropertyInfo.SetValue方法,例如

var propInfo = info.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
if (propInfo != null)
    propInfo.SetValue(info, value, null);
var propertyInfo = info.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
if (propertyInfo != null)  //this probably works. Yes it is
        propertyInfo.SetValue(info, value, null);

You need to invoke the SetValue method on the property: 您需要在属性上调用SetValue方法:

var property = info.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
if (property != null)
    property.SetValue(info, value, null); 

I think using reflection each time is a bit slow, so, if you do that initialization more than once you can use Expression Tree. 我认为每次使用反射都有点慢,所以,如果你不止一次进行初始化,你可以使用表达式树。 But each time your dictionary should have same order of properties to init. 但每次你的字典应该具有相同的init属性顺序。

Possible code 可能的代码

class Info
    public string X1 { set; get; }
    public string X2 { set; get; }
    public int X3 { set; get; }
    private Action<Info, List<object>> initAction;

    public void Init(Dictionary<string, object> initDict)
        //on first usage we deal with reflection and build expression tree to init properties
        if (initAction==null)
            ParameterExpression targetInstanceExpression = Expression.Parameter(this.GetType());
            ParameterExpression valuesExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(List<object>));
            ParameterExpression value = Expression.Variable(typeof(object));
            ParameterExpression enumerator = Expression.Variable(typeof(IEnumerator));

            var expList = new List<Expression>();
            expList.Add(Expression.Assign(enumerator, Expression.TypeAs(Expression.Call(valuesExpression, "GetEnumerator", null),typeof(IEnumerator))));
            foreach (var initRecord in initDict)
                Expression moveNextExp = Expression.Call(enumerator, "MoveNext", null);
                Type type = initRecord.Value.GetType();
                expList.Add(Expression.Assign(value, Expression.PropertyOrField(enumerator, "Current")));
                Expression assignExp = GetPropAssigner(initRecord.Key, type, targetInstanceExpression, value);
            Expression block = Expression.Block
                 new[] { value, enumerator },
            //compile epression tree and get init action 
            initAction = Expression.Lambda<Action<Info, List<object>>>(block, targetInstanceExpression, valuesExpression).Compile();
        initAction(this, initDict.Values.ToList());
    //little method to create property assigner
    public static Expression GetPropAssigner(string propName, Type type,
         ParameterExpression targetInstanceExp, ParameterExpression valueExp)
        MemberExpression fieldExp = Expression.PropertyOrField(targetInstanceExp, propName);
        BinaryExpression assignExp = Expression.Assign(fieldExp, type.IsValueType ? Expression.Unbox(valueExp, type) : Expression.TypeAs(valueExp, type));
        return assignExp;

Usage: 用法:

var values = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            values.Add("X1", "blah1");
            values.Add("X2", "blah2");
            values.Add("X3", 8);

Info info = new Info();

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