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[英]PHP does not recognize existing session, starts new one

I have a website with a php log in. Everytime a page is visited, I call on session_start() . 我有一个使用php登录的网站。每次访问页面时,我都会调用session_start()

I've been having this unusual problem where 1 in 5 times (or so), my session_start will fail to recognize the existing PHPSESSID cookie and instead creates a new one, so that I have 2 of them, and stops using all of the data stored in the first session. 我一直遇到这个异常问题,其中PHPSESSID ),我的session_start将无法识别现有的PHPSESSID cookie,而是创建了一个新的cookie,因此我有两个,并停止使用所有数据存储在第一个会话中。

It goes as such: I log in successfully, and am successfully redirected to the same page I was on but now logged in, and I am assigned a session id cookie, and the session successfully stores its data (all checked and confirmed) 它是这样的:我成功登录,并成功重定向到与我之前登录但现在登录的页面相同,并为我分配了会话ID Cookie,并且该会话成功存储了其数据(均已检查并确认)

Then I click any link on the page (even the link that takes me to the same page I'm on) and instead of continuing the session, it creates a new session, giving me a second session cookie and effectively logging me out. 然后,我单击页面上的任何链接(甚至是将我带到所在页面的链接),而不是继续会话,它创建了一个新会话,为我提供了第二个会话cookie并有效地注销了我。

This only happens 1 in 5 times, and only when I first visit the website. 这种情况只有五分之一,而且只有在我第一次访问该网站时才会发生。 On successful trials, when I log in, navigating to another page leaves me with 1 session id cookie instead of 2. 在成功的试用中,当我登录时,导航到另一个页面后,我得到的是一个会话ID Cookie,而不是2。

I've been banging my head on the wall with this problem, and would love any help! 我一直在为这个问题而烦恼,很乐意提供任何帮助!

Call: echo session_id(); 呼叫: echo session_id(); . What is returned? 返回什么?

This is your session ID. 这是您的会话ID。 If it changes during the flow of your script, you will lose your $_SESSION data. 如果在脚本执行过程中发生更改,则将丢失$_SESSION数据。

You may be destroying and recreating the session. 您可能正在破坏并重新创建会话。 Make sure that the session doesn't exist before you create it. 在创建会话之前,请确保该会话不存在。


obviously you will have sorted this, but for others who struggle with the same thing, i used this method in my logout.php file. 显然,您会对此进行排序,但是对于其他遇到相同问题的人,我在logout.php文件中使用了此方法。 the session_regenerate_id() resets the session variable used. session_regenerate_id()重置使用的会话变量。 hope this helps others 希望这对别人有帮助

session_start(); //to ensure you are using same session
session_destroy(); //destroy the session
$_SESSION = array();
header("location:/final/index.html"); //to redirect back to "index.php" after logging out

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