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[英]Strange value for available physical memory

I use a code library that contains a function to calculate the amount of memory avaliable. 我使用的代码库包含一个函数来计算可用的内存量。

For hosted PC's (hosted by Windows 2008 R2 x64) I sometimes see the free amount calculated in a funny way. 对于托管的PC(由Windows 2008 R2 x64托管),有时会看到以有趣的方式计算的免费金额。

It gets reported as 它被报告为

physical memory : 1400/1400 MB (free/total) 物理内存:1400/1400 MB(可用/总计)

Which cant really be true, since several applications are running. 由于几个应用程序正在运行,因此不能真正做到这一点。 How can that happen? 怎么会这样

My interest here is whether this phenomenon points to a memory problem. 我的兴趣是这种现象是否指向内存问题。 Sometimes my application runs out of memory when hosted on a VM with limited memory like 1400 MB. 有时,当我的应用程序托管在内存有限(例如1400 MB)的VM上时,我的应用程序会用光内存。 So when I see a bug report with the available meory wrongly reported as 1400 MB could it be that it really is zero? 因此,当我看到一个错误报告,其中可用内存错误地报告为1400 MB时,是否真的为零?

Here is the code 这是代码

function GetMemoryStatus : UnicodeString;
  TMemoryStatusEx = record
    dwLength                : dword;
    dwMemoryLoad            : dword;
    ullTotalPhys            : int64;
    ullAvailPhys            : int64;
    ullTotalPageFile        : int64;
    ullAvailPageFile        : int64;
    ullTotalVirtual         : int64;
    ullAvailVirtual         : int64;
    ullAvailExtendedVirtual : int64;
var gmse : function (var mse: TMemoryStatusEx) : bool; stdcall;
    ms   : TMemoryStatus;
    mse  : TMemoryStatusEx;
  gmse := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(kernel32), 'GlobalMemoryStatusEx');
  if @gmse <> nil then begin
    mse.dwLength := sizeOf(mse);
  end else begin
    ms.dwLength := sizeOf(ms);
    mse.ullAvailPhys := ms.dwAvailPhys;
    mse.ullTotalPhys := ms.dwTotalPhys;
  result := IntToStrExW((mse.ullAvailPhys + $80000) div $100000) + '/' +
            IntToStrExW((mse.ullTotalPhys + $80000) div $100000) + ' MB (free/total)';

Thanks! 谢谢! Jacob 雅各布

I can't reproduce your problem. 我无法重现您的问题。 The only difference is some changes to the calculations you're doing in the Result line, because I don't have MadExcept on the system I'm on right now (will rectify that soon). 唯一的区别是对Result行中所做的计算进行了一些更改,因为我现在使用的系统上没有MadExcept(将尽快解决)。 Here's the code I used: 这是我使用的代码:

  TMemoryStatusEx = record
    dwLength                : dword;
    dwMemoryLoad            : dword;
    ullTotalPhys            : int64;
    ullAvailPhys            : int64;
    ullTotalPageFile        : int64;
    ullAvailPageFile        : int64;
    ullTotalVirtual         : int64;
    ullAvailVirtual         : int64;
    ullAvailExtendedVirtual : int64;

  TGlobalMemoryStatusEx = function (var mse: TMemoryStatusEx) : bool; stdcall;

function GetMemoryStatus : string;
  GlobalMemoryStatusEX: TGlobalMemoryStatusEx;
  MemStatEx  : TMemoryStatusEx;
  GlobalMemoryStatusEx := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(kernel32),
  if @GlobalMemoryStatusEx <> nil then
    MemStatEx.dwLength := sizeOf(MemStatEx);
    Result := Format('%d / %d KB (free/total), ',
                [MemStatEx.ullAvailPhys div 1024,
                 MemStatEx.ullTotalPhys div 1024 ]);

procedure TForm3.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
  Label1.Caption := GetMemoryStatus;

Here's the output of the app (with Task Manager's Physical Memory pane beneath it for comparison), running in a Windows XP Mode virtual machine on Windows 7. The VM was set up with 1GB of RAM, and has this test app, Task Manager, and a single Windows Explorer instance running. 这是应用程序的输出(下面带有“任务管理器”的“物理内存”窗格以进行比较),该输出在Windows 7上的Windows XP Mode虚拟机中运行。VM设置了1GB的RAM,并具有此测试应用程序“任务管理器”,并运行一个Windows资源管理器实例。 (The app was written in D2007 on Win 7 64-bit, and then copied/pasted into the VM and started by double-clicking in Explorer.) (该应用程序是用D2007在Win 7 64位上编写的,然后将其复制/粘贴到VM中,并通过双击资源管理器来启动。)

使用Task Man bkgrnd测试应用

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