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[英]Filtering a collection based on another collection

I have a List<businessobject> object collection and a List<string> object collection. 我有一个List<businessobject>对象集合和一个List<string>对象集合。 I want filter my List<businessobject> so that if a certain property in the business object equals anything the List<string> it will be filtered out. 我想要过滤List<businessobject>以便如果业务对象中的某个属性等于List<string>任何内容,它将被过滤掉。 I can think of writing the code this way, but is there any faster or better way? 我可以想到以这种方式编写代码,但是有没有更快或更更好的方法?

List<businessobject> bo = loadBusinessObjectList();
List<string> stringList = loadStringList();
foreach(businessobject busobj in bo){

Your original code will actually not work because you modify the List that you are enumerating. 您的原始代码实际上将不起作用,因为您修改了要枚举的列表。

You can do something like: 您可以执行以下操作:

List<businessobject> bo = loadBusinessObjectList();
List<string> stringList = loadStringList();

var matches = (from b in bo where stringList.Contains(b.SomeProperty) select b);
var bo = bo.Intersect(matches);

If you modify 如果您修改

List<string> stringList

to be 成为

HashSet<string> stringList

performance would be improved, particularly if the number of strings is large because testing for list membership is O(n), while testing for hashset membership approaches O(1). 性能将得到改善,特别是如果字符串数很大,因为对列表成员资格的测试为O(n),而对哈希集成员资格的测试则为O(1)。

Linq is your friend! Linq是您的朋友!

List<businessobject> boList = loadBusinessObjectList();
List<string> stringList = loadStringList();

var badObjects = from bo in boList
             where stringList.Contains(bo.myProperty)
             select bo;



bo.Where(o => !stringList.Contains(o.MyProperty));
List<businessobject> bo = loadBusinessObjectList();
List<string> stringList = loadStringList();
List<businesssobject> bo2 = bo.FindAll(obj => !(stringList.contains(obj.myProperty)));

Not sure if this is faster. 不知道这是否更快。 Instead of removing the objects this one creates a new object with only the ones that match. 它不会删除对象,而是创建一个仅包含匹配对象的新对象。

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