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python子进程设置shell var。 然后运行命令 - 如何?

[英]python subprocess set shell var. and then run command - how?

I need to do this: 我需要这样做:

$ export PYRO_HMAC_KEY=123
$ python -m Pyro4.naming

So, i found that the second one is possible to do with 所以,我发现第二个可以做到


but how export shell variable before that? 但是之前如何导出shell变量呢?

To update the existing environment... 要更新现有环境......

import os, subprocess

d = dict(os.environ)   # Make a copy of the current environment
d['PYRO_HMAC_KEY'] = '123'
subprocess.Popen(['python', '-m', 'Pyro4.naming'], env=d)


subprocess.Popen(['python','-m','Pyro4.naming'], env={'PYRO_HMAC_KEY': '123'})

尝试os.putenv(): http ://docs.python.org/library/os.html#os.putenv

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