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[英]GTK: adding “desktop” flag to window

I'm trying to make a window function as the desktop (the thing that displays the icons) using PyGTK. 我正在尝试使用PyGTK将窗口用作桌面(显示图标的东西)。 With Qt4, I can set this property to do so: 使用Qt4,我可以设置此属性来这样做:


Is there anything similar for GTK? GTK有什么类似的东西吗?

Never mind, I found it: 没关系,我发现了:


And a very useful source: http://bloc.eurion.net/archives/2009/standalone-pygtk-desktop-widgets/ 还有一个非常有用的资源: http : //bloc.eurion.net/archives/2009/standalone-pygtk-desktop-widgets/

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