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在调用@Before setup()之后,如何反射地访问要运行的测试方法?

[英]How can I reflectively access the test method to run after a call to @Before setup()?

We have lots of selenium tests running through junit, and they all have a few steps which need to run before the actual tests. 我们有很多通过junit运行的硒测试,并且它们都有一些实际测试之前需要运行的步骤。 For this we have a parent TestCase class which has some @Before and @After methods in it. 为此,我们有一个父TestCase类,其中包含一些@Before和@After方法。

Now, due to a new feature of our site I would like to parameterise part of this set up, I'd like to create a new annotation to put on some tests to indicate to the setup() method that the setup is slightly different, whilst allowing the others to use the default. 现在,由于我们网站的一项新功能,我想参数化此设置的一部分,我想创建一个新的批注以进行一些测试,以向setup()方法表明设置略有不同,同时允许其他人使用默认值。 So, is it possible to reflectively access the test method about to be run in an @Before method? 因此,是否有可能以反射方式访问即将在@Before方法中运行的测试方法?

eg. 例如。

class SomeTest extends MyTestCase {

  public void testRedFlavouredHomepage() {

  public void testBlueFlavouredHomepage() {  // assuming Blue is my default flavour

  public void testHomepage() {
    // test some stuff

I'd rather suggest to use different test classes for those 2 methods. 我宁愿建议对这两种方法使用不同的测试类。

class MyTestCase {

    public void setUp() {
        /* Default setup */

    public void testHomepage() {
        // test some stuff


class MyRedTestCase extends MyTestCase {

    public void setUp() {
        /* Red setup */


And then you can put your tests into 2 different classes extending from MyTestCase and MyRedTestCase respectively. 然后,您可以将测试放入分别从MyTestCase和MyRedTestCase扩展的2个不同的类中。

class BlueTest extends MyTestCase {

    public void testBlueFlavouredHomepage() {  // assuming Blue is my default flavour


class RedTest extends MyRedTestCase {

    public void testRedFlavouredHomepage() {


You can do it another way as well, without introducing new classes. 您也可以采用另一种方式来做,而无需引入新的类。 Declare an absract (or concrete with the default value) method in your parent class. 在父类中声明一个抽象方法(或带有默认值的具体方法)。

class MyTestCase {

    protected abstract Flour getFlour();


And your child class will look like this 您的孩子班级将如下所示

class SomeTest extends MyTestCase {

    private Flour flour;

    public void testRedFlavouredHomepage() {
        flour = Flour.RED;

    public void testBlueFlavouredHomepage() {  // assuming Blue is my default flavour
        flour = Flour.BLUE;

    public void testHomepage() {
        // test some stuff

    protected abstract Flour getFlour() {
        return flour;


I'd say the 1st solution is "cleaner"; 我会说第一种解决方案是“更清洁”。 even though you have to create additional classes, you don't include logic of different types in one class (like in the anti-pattern God object ). 即使您需要创建额外的类,你不包括不同类型的一个类(如在反模式的逻辑神的对象 )。

You can do this using @Rule (with the later versions of JUnit >= 4.9). 您可以使用@Rule (对于更高版本的JUnit> = 4.9)来执行此操作。 If you have a class which implements TestRule , specifically apply(), you can do extra things before your test gets run. 如果您有一个实现TestRule的类,特别是apply(),则可以在运行测试之前做一些额外的事情。 The Description is passed to the apply method, which contains the annotations on your method: Description传递给apply方法,该方法包含方法上的注释:

Using @Deprecated as an example: @Deprecated为例:

public class ExtraSetupTest {
  public TestRule moreSetup = new TestRule() {
    public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {
      return statement(base, description);

    private Statement statement(final Statement base,
        final Description description) {
      return new Statement() {
        public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
          if (description.getAnnotation(Deprecated.class) != null) {
            System.out.println("more setup here");

  public void noExtraSetup() {

  public void withExtraSetup() {

This produces as output: 这产生作为输出:

more setup here

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