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[英]Getting started with guava

How can I use Guava for my web application? 如何在我的Web应用程序中使用Guava? I want to use it eg for testing instead of JUnit. 我想将其用于例如测试而不是JUnit。 Is that possible? 那可能吗? What other uses can I have from Guava if I'm building webapps with JSP and servlets? 如果我使用JSP和servlet构建Web应用程序,那么Guava还可以有什么其他用途?

Please read https://github.com/google/guava/wiki 请阅读https://github.com/google/guava/wiki

Guava is not a replacement of JUnit. 番石榴不是JUnit的替代品。

I was not aware that Guava was a unit testing framework. 我不知道Guava是一个单元测试框架。 Therefore this part of the question does not make sense to me. 因此,这部分问题对我而言没有意义。

Guava is a general purpose Java helper library. Guava是通用的Java帮助程序库。 You will find all sorts of nice things in there, but nothing is specific to JSPs and servlets. 您会在其中找到各种各样的好东西,但是JSP和Servlet并没有什么特别的。 It's like asking: What uses has Apache Commons for webapps? 这就像在问:Apache Commons对于Web应用程序有什么用途? What uses has the Java collection framework for JSPs? JSP的Java收集框架有什么用途?

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