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`=` 和 `==` 操作符和 `===` 有什么区别? (单、双、三等号)

[英]What is the difference between the `=` and `==` operators and what is `===`? (Single, double, and triple equals)

I have written some code and in certain places == is required and in others = is required.我已经编写了一些代码,在某些地方需要== ,而在其他地方需要= Can someone explain the differences or point me in the direction of the resource that can?有人可以解释这些差异或指出我可以使用的资源方向吗?


if($("#block").css.display == "none"){
  $("#block").css.display = "block";

The only thing I can come up with is that in one I'm changing and in the other I'm checking.我唯一能想到的是,在一个我正在改变,而在另一个我正在检查。 But in both I am referring to equality.但在两者中,我指的是平等。

= is the assignment operator. =是赋值运算符。 It sets a variable (the left-hand side) to a value (the right-hand side).它将一个变量(左侧)设置为一个值(右侧)。 The result is the value on the right-hand side.结果是右侧的值。

== is the comparison operator. ==是比较运算符。 It will only return true if both values are equivalent after coercing their types to the same type.只有在将它们的类型强制为相同类型后两个值相等时,它才会返回true

=== is a more strict comparison operator often called the identity operator. ===是一种更严格的比较运算符,通常称为恒等运算符。 It will only return true if both the type and value of the operands are the same.只有当操作数的类型和值都相同时,它才会返回true

I would check out CodeCademy for a quick intro to JavaScript.我会查看CodeCademy以快速了解 JavaScript。

If you prefer to read more, MDN is a great intro as well.如果您喜欢阅读更多内容, MDN也是一个很好的介绍。

For those concerned about the source of the term "identity operator" jbabey pointed out that JavaScript: The Definitive Guide seems to mention it.对于那些关心术语“身份运算符”来源的人,jbabey 指出JavaScript: The Definitive Guide似乎提到了它。

= assigns a value to a variable =为变量赋值

== checks if the two parameter are equal to each other ==检查两个参数是否相等

=== checks if the two parameters are equal to each other and if their type is the same ===检查两个参数是否相等以及它们的类型是否相同

! not operator不是运算符

!= checks if the two parameters are not equal to each other !=检查两个参数是否不相等

!== checks if the two parameters are not equal to each other or the type is not the same !==检查两个参数是否不相等类型不同

one more多一个

> checks if one parameter is greater than the other >检查一个参数是否大于另一个

>= checks if one parameter is greater than or equal to the other >=检查一个参数是否大于或等于另一个

>== DOESN'T EXIST >==不存在


== is used to test if the value on the left is equal to the value on the right. == 用于测试左边的值是否等于右边的值。

= is used to assign the value on the right to the variable on the left. = 用于将右边的值赋给左边的变量。

In javascript you have also the ===.在 javascript 中,您也有 ===。

= This is for set the value to the variable. =这是为变量设置值。

== This is for compare if the value is the same. ==如果值相同,这是用于比较。

=== This is for compare if the value is the same and also the type is the same. ===如果值相同且类型相同,则用于比较。

The = operator is an assignment operator. = 运算符是赋值运算符。 You are assigning an object to a value.您正在将一个对象分配给一个值。 The == operator is a conditional equality operation. == 运算符是一个条件相等运算。 You are confirming whether two things have equal values.您正在确认两件事是否具有相等的值。 There is also a === operator.还有一个 === 运算符。 This compares not only value, but also type.这不仅比较值,还比较类型。

Assignment Operators 赋值运算符

Comparison Operators 比较运算符


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