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[英]How can I show input fields only when previous input has a valid value?

I have a form that requires between 3 and 10 text input items. 我的表单需要3到10个文本输入项。 When the form first loads it will show 3 inputs (minimum). 当表单首次加载时,它将显示3个输入(最小值)。

I'd like to efficiently show input rows as the previous row has a valid value (let's assume greater than 3 characters for example). 我想有效地显示输入行,因为前一行具有有效值(例如,假设大于3个字符)。 So if you fill out the first 3, you will automatically see a 4th optional input row. 因此,如果您填写前3个,您将自动看到第4个可选输入行。

Can you help me loop through this quick list efficiently in jQuery? 你能帮我在jQuery中有效地循环这个快速列表吗?


<input type="text" class="item_1" name="item_1">
<input type="text" class="item_2" name="item_2">
<input type="text" class="item_3" name="item_3">
<input type="text" class="item_4" name="item_4">
<input type="text" class="item_5" name="item_5">
<input type="text" class="item_6" name="item_6">
<input type="text" class="item_7" name="item_7">
<input type="text" class="item_8" name="item_8">
<input type="text" class="item_9" name="item_9">
<input type="text" class="item_10" name="item_10">


.item_4,.item_5,.item_6,.item_7,.item_8,.item_9,.item_10 { display:none }

This is pretty simple - you shouldn't even need a loop if you let jQuery's chaining do the work. 这非常简单 - 如果让jQuery的链接完成工作,你甚至不需要循环。 I'd do something like: 我会这样做:

$("#myform input").change(function(){ //If an input in your form is changed,
    if ($(this).val() == 42){ //replace with your validation logic :)
         $(this).next('input').show(); //This shows the next sibling element to the triggering element
    } else { //but if it fails validation...
         $(this).nextAll('input').hide().val(""); //hide them and delete the contents to stop the form from uploading invalidated data!

This does what you asked, and for bonus points it hides and empties later boxes if their predecessors are later changed to be invalid. 这就是你所要求的,如果他们的前任后来被改为无效,那么它会隐藏并清空以后的奖励积分。

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