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[英]Power-shell Output and optimization

I am new to power-shell and attempting to write a VMreset script. 我是刚接触Power-shell并尝试编写VMreset脚本的人。 I have everything working but have a few questions about some things. 我一切正常,但对某些问题有一些疑问。

Below is the function that runs pretty all the commands 下面是运行几乎所有命令的函数

I notice that sometimes it takes forever the for the code to run, it didn't before I added the End-Process, Remove-Item and Copy-Item Commands 我注意到有时代码要花很长时间才能运行,而在添加End-Process,Remove-Item和Copy-Item命令之前并不需要

Also it now seems as through the Write-Output is being displayed after all the commands execute. 现在,似乎所有命令执行完后,通过Write-Output也会显示出来。

Is there a better way for me to be doing this? 我有更好的方法吗?

function OS-Windows7 {
    Foreach ($Computer in $global:ComputerList) {

    Write-Output "Starting VMReset on $Computer"
    Write-Output "Looking for active VMWare Processes to kill on $Computer"
    End-Process 'vmware-vmx'
    End-Process 'vmware'
    End-Process 'vmware-tray'
    Write-Output "Removing altered virtual machines on $Computer"
    Remove-Item \\$Computer\C$\"My Virtual Machines\*" -Force -Recurse
    Write-Output "Replacing altered virtual machines on $Computer"
    Copy-Item "\\$Computer\C$\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\VM\Child\*" "\\$Computer\C$\My Virtual Machines\" -recurse -force
    Write-Output "VMReset Finished on $Computer"

Using WS-Management to handle the copies and remove will be much faster since all tasks will be run on the remote. 使用WS-Management处理副本和删除将更快,因为所有任务都将在远程上运行。 Actions on big files like the VM ones are very costly when done over a remote share instead of locally. 当通过远程共享而不是在本地共享时,对大文件(如VM文件)的操作非常昂贵。

WS-Management WS管理

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