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表格,表格和验证 - Symfony2,Twig,Doctrine

[英]Tables, forms and validation - Symfony2, Twig, Doctrine

I have some questions all conected, so I will ask all of them here: 我有一些问题都是连接的,所以我会在这里询问所有问题:

  1. [Solved] I have date fields which can be nullable and when I don't fill them they are displayed as 2012-08-09 - today's date, although when I check in the database they are NULL. [已解决]我有可以为空的日期字段,当我不填写它们时,它们显示为2012-08-09 - 今天的日期,但是当我在数据库中签入时它们是NULL。 I have @ORM\\Column(type="date", nullable=true) and @Assert\\Date above both of them. 我有两个@ORM \\ Column(type =“date”,nullable = true)@Assert \\ Date

  2. I have form validation @Assert\\Date and @Assert\\NotBlank() but I violate this constrains nothing happens although I have {{ form_errors(form) }} . 我有表单验证@Assert \\ Date@Assert \\ NotBlank()但我违反了这个约束,虽然我有{{form_errors(form)}}但没有任何反应 How to show what exactly is wrong with the form? 如何显示表单究竟出了什么问题?

  3. [Solved] The last one is that I have NotBlank() constrain above a field called $currency. [已解决]最后一个是我将NotBlank()约束在一个名为$ currency的字段上方。 This is how I add it: 这就是我添加它的方式:

     $builder->add('currency', 'choice', array( 'choices' => array( 'empty_value' => '--- Choose ---', 'USD' => 'USD', 'HKD' => 'HKD'))); 

    but if I don't set anything (it stays --- Choose ---- ) it accepts it, although it's empty. 但如果我没有设置任何东西(它保持---选择----)它接受它,虽然它是空的。 I want the default choice to be --- Choose ---, but it musn't be allowed to leave it this way and the form to be valid in the same time. 我希望默认选择是---选择---,但不允许这样离开它,并且表格在同一时间内有效。

I would appreciate your help! 非常感谢你的帮助!

For the first question, taken from the twig documentation: 对于第一个问题,取自twig文档:

If the value passed to the date filter is null, it will return the current date by default. 如果传递给日期过滤器的值为null,则默认情况下将返回当前日期。 If an empty string is desired instead of the current date, use a ternary operator: 如果需要空字符串而不是当前日期,请使用三元运算符:

{{ post.published_at is empty ? "" : post.published_at|date("m/d/Y") }}


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