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[英]Rails passing a block to a helper method

Viget Labs posted an article and gist detailing a rails helper method for adding a particular class (like .selected or .active ) to a navigation link if it's url matches the current path. Viget的实验室发布的文章要点 ,详细说明增加一个特别的类(如导轨helper方法.selected.active ),如果它的URL的电流路径相匹配的导航链接。

You can use it in your layout like so: 您可以在布局中使用它,如下所示:

= nav_link "News", articles_path, {class: "btn btn-small"}

<!-- which creates the following html -->

<a href="/articles" class="btn btn-small selected">News</a>

Nice. 尼斯。 I'm using bootstrap, and want to have an icon in my button, so I need to generate the following html: 我正在使用bootstrap,并希望在我的按钮中有一个图标,所以我需要生成以下html:

<a href="/articles" class="btn btn-small selected"><i class="icon-home"> </i> News</a>

I forked the gist and figured out a simple way of doing it. 分享了要点并想出了一个简单的方法。 My fork lets the developer pass :inner_html and :inner_class to the helper like so: 我的fork允许开发人员将:inner_html:inner_class传递给helper,如下所示:

= nav_link "News", articles_path, {class: "btn btn-small"}, {inner_html: 'i', inner_class: 'icon-home'}

It works fine, but I don't like my underlying implementation: 它工作正常,但我不喜欢我的底层实现:

def link
  if @options[:inner_html]
    link_to(@path, html_options) do
      content_tag(@options[:inner_html], '', :class => @options[:inner_class]) + " #{@title}"
    link_to(@title, @path, html_options)

As you can see, I'm passing the new options to content_tag inside the block of a link_to method. 如您所见,我将新选项传递给link_to方法块内的content_tag I was hoping I would be able to refactor it in a few ways. 我希望我能够通过几种方式重构它。

First of all, I'd prefer to be able to do this in my view: 首先,我希望能够在我看来做到这一点:

= nav_link "News", articles_path, {class: "btn btn-small"} do

I want to give the inner html as a block, and not as attributes of the option hash. 我想将内部html作为块,而不是选项哈希的属性。 Can anyone give me any pointers on how to achieve this? 任何人都可以给我任何关于如何实现这一点的指示?

I thought it would a simple case of telling the nav_link method to accept a block: 我认为告诉nav_link方法接受一个块是一个简单的例子:

def nav_link(title, path, html_options = {}, options = {}, &block)
  LinkGenerator.new(request, title, path, html_options, options, &block).to_html

class LinkGenerator
  include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
  include ActionView::Context

  def initialize(request, title, path, html_options = {}, options = {}, &block)
    @request      = request
    @title        = title
    @path         = path
    @html_options = html_options
    @options      = options
    @block        = block

  def link
    if @block.present?
      link_to @path, html_options do

But this fails to output the icon, and instead inserts a number (4). 但是这无法输出图标,而是插入一个数字(4)。 I don't get it clearly. 我不清楚。 Anyone got any advice. 任何人都有任何建议。 Where can I go to read more about this sort of thing, as I really want to be able to figure stuff like this out without having to ask on stackoverflow. 我在哪里可以阅读更多有关此类事情的内容,因为我真的希望能够在不必询问stackoverflow的情况下找出这样的内容。

I tried your problem and the following worked for me perfectly, in the helper: 我试过你的问题,以下内容对我很有帮助:

  def my_link(title, path, &block)
    if block_given?
      link_to path do
      link_to title, path

Usage: 用法:

my_link "No title", User.first do

The solution in the end was as follows: 最终的解决方案如下:

# capture the output of the block, early on if block_given?
def nav_link(title, path, html_options = {}, options = {}, &block)
  LinkGenerator.new(request, title, path, html_options, options, (capture(&block) if block_given?)).to_html

I also had to modify my link method: 我还必须修改我的链接方法:

def link
  if @block.present?
    link_to(@path, html_options) do
    link_to(@title, @path, html_options)

I've updated my gist . 我更新了我的要点 You could probably hack it up to accept more complex blocks. 你可能会破解它以接受更复杂的块。

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