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[英]Spring, JPA and Hibernate - id generation

Setup: Sprting, JPA and Hibernate as JPA provider. 设置:Sprting,JPA和Hibernate作为JPA提供程序。

We have two class hierarchies, one for questions and other one for answers. 我们有两个类层次结构,一个用于问题,另一个用于答案。 At the root of each hierarchy there is an abstract class, for example: 在每个层次结构的根部都有一个抽象类,例如:

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
public abstract class QuestionUnit {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE)
    private int id;
    @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private AnswerUnit correctAnswer;

    public QuestionUnit(AnswerUnit correctAnswer) {
        this.correctAnswer = correctAnswer;

    public void setCorrectAnswer(AnswerUnit correctAnswer) {
        this.correctAnswer = correctAnswer;

    public AnswerUnit getCorrectAnswer() {
        return this.correctAnswer;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public abstract Object getQuestionContent();


public abstract class AnswerUnit {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE)
    private int id;

    public abstract Object getAnswerContent();

    public abstract boolean isEqual(AnswerUnit otherAnswer);

    public int getId(){
        return id;

in each hierarchy there are 3 concrete classes. 在每个层次结构中,都有3个具体的类。 We wanted to store them in database, for now we are using SQLite. 我们想将它们存储在数据库中,现在我们正在使用SQLite。

If I understand correctly this Inheritance strategy will create one table per concrete class. 如果我理解正确,则此继承策略将为每个具体类创建一个表。

Now, when I set up GeneratedValue strategy at auto I got errors, so I switched it to table. 现在,当我自动设置GeneratedValue策略时,出现了错误,因此我将其切换到表。 If I understand it correctly, for each table there will be different independent generation of ids. 如果我正确理解,对于每个表,将会有不同的独立ID生成。

But something strange happened. 但是有些奇怪的事情发生了。 I created simple testing code: 我创建了简单的测试代码:

QuestionUnit unit1=new OpenQuestion("4+4", new OpenQuestionAnswer("8"));
System.out.println(questionUnitDao.getQuestionUnit(OpenQuestion.class, 1).getQuestionContent());

the first question was inserted succesfully, but then I got an error that primary key should be unique, now when I insert something I get very large numbers as ids, for example 65536. 第一个问题被成功插入,但是随后我得到一个错误,即主键应该是唯一的,现在当我插入某些东西时,我会得到非常大的数字作为id,例如65536。

Why is it? 为什么?

You can add TableGenerator annotation in your both entities.See sample; 您可以在两个实体中添加TableGenerator批注。

  @TableGenerator(name = "QuestionUnitGen",
  table = "ID_GEN",
  pkColumnName = "GEN_NAME", 
  pkColumnValue = "QuettionUnit_Gen", 
  valueColumnName = "GEN_VAL", 
  initialValue = 0,
  allocationSize = 100
  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE, generator = "QuestionUnitGen")
  private int id;

But don't forget to create ID_GEN table with two fields GEN_NAME and GEN_VAL in your database. 但是不要忘记在数据库中创建具有两个字段GEN_NAME和GEN_VAL的ID_GEN表。

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