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[英]Position a table cell within a DIV

I have searched for help, but all I seem to get is how to position DIVs within a table cell. 我一直在寻找帮助,但是我似乎所能获得的就是如何在表格单元格中放置DIV。 I would like to position a table cell within a DIV. 我想在DIV中放置一个表格单元格。

On my website, I have a "timeline" listing events, locations, aircraft and so on. 在我的网站上,我有一个“时间表”,其中列出了事件,位置,飞机等。 I have used a table to present this. 我已经用一张桌子介绍了这一点。 The table is very wide (about 14,000 px) and is displayed in a DIV about 900 px wide. 该表格非常宽(约14,000像素),并以约900像素宽的DIV显示。 This means the viewer needs to scroll from side to side to view events at different times - this is how I wanted it. 这意味着查看者需要左右滚动才能在不同时间查看事件-这就是我想要的方式。

The table is written with a mix of HTML and some basic PHP. 该表混合了HTML和一些基本的PHP。

At first, every time the viewer changed page, the timeline view "reset", so it always displayed the earliest time/left most cell. 首先,每次查看者更改页面时,时间线视图都会“重置”,因此它始终显示最早的时间/最左边的单元格。 I asked around for a fix that would put the text of a specific cell of the top most row of the table in the centre of the DIV - That is, if the viewer switched to the page about Vietnam, then in the timeline, the top row cell with the text "Vietnam" would be centred in the DIV. 我询问了一个解决方案,该解决方案会将表格中最上面一行的特定单元格的文本放在DIV的中心-也就是说,如果观看者切换到有关越南的页面,那么在时间轴上,文本为“越南”的行单元格将在DIV中居中。 If the viewer switched to another page, say "1945 to 1950", then the centred cell would be "1945 to 1950". 如果查看者切换到另一页,说“ 1945年至1950年”,则居中单元将为“ 1945年至1950年”。

Someone helped with some Javascript, using focus(). 有人使用focus()帮助了一些Javascript。 This works, sort of, but the required text is now to the right of the DIV. 可以这样,但是所需的文本现在位于DIV的右侧。

I then thought, it would be better to put the text on the left of the DIV, so that the respective time period starts in view. 然后我认为,最好将文本放在DIV的左侧,以便可以看到各个时间段。 Confused? 困惑?

Here is one of my pages: http://www.satans-kittens.net/korea.php 这是我的页面之一: http : //www.satans-kittens.net/korea.php

As you can see, in the timeline table/DIV the word "Korea" is to the right of the DIV. 如您所见,在时间线表/ DIV中,DIV的右侧是“ Korea”。 I would like to have it on the left. 我想把它放在左边。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

thanks. 谢谢。

First I should say that I am not entirely sure that I understand your question. 首先,我应该说,我不能完全确定我是否理解你的问题。 However, it appears that what you would like is for the link to Korea to appear on the left side of the table. 但是,您想要的是到韩国的链接出现在表格的左侧。 That is what I will intend to answer. 这就是我要回答的。

Put the tag that contains the Korea link in the previous cell in the document tree. 将包含Korea链接的标签放在文档树中的上一个单元格中。

For example: 例如:

<tr id="period">
  <td colspan="7"><a id="tlWWII" href="http&#58;//www.satans-kittens.net/wwii.php#tlWWII">World War II</a></td>
  <td colspan="25"><a id="tl45250" href="http&#58;//www.satans-kittens.net/45to50.php#tl45250">1945 to 1950</a></td>
  <td colspan="64"><a id="tlKorea" href="http&#58;//www.satans-kittens.net/korea.php#tlKorea">Korea</a></td>
  <td colspan="24"><a id="tl53263" href="http&#58;//www.satans-kittens.net/53to63.php#tl53263">1953 to 1963</a></td>
  <td colspan="132"><a id="tlVietnam" href="http&#58;//www.satans-kittens.net/vietnam.php#tlVietnam">Vietnam</a></td>
  <td colspan="120"><a id="tlDisestab" href="http&#58;//www.satans-kittens.net/disestab.php#tlDisestab">The Last Crusade &amp; Phinal Phantoms</a></td>
  <td colspan="50"></td>
  <td colspan="10"></td>

Wherein I simply moved each of your links up to the previous cell. 在这里,我只是将您的每个链接移至上一个单元格。 You will undoubtedly have to adjust your colspans, however... 毫无疑问,您将不得不调整您的colspans,但是...

The other option is try floating right or left... 另一种选择是尝试向右或向左浮动...

you can use this function. 您可以使用此功能。 To the active anchor to left of the div. 到div左侧的活动锚点。

see it working here 看到它在这里工作

http://jsfiddle.net/kL2js/ http://jsfiddle.net/kL2js/

function adjustScrollBar(id){
        var pos = $("#"+id).position();
        while(pos.left >0){
            pos = $("#"+id).position();

EDIT: May be this will help you out. 编辑:可能这将帮助您。

/* jQuery required */

function adjustScrollBar(id,parentid){
    var pos = $("#"+id).position();
    while(pos.left >10){
        pos = $("#"+id).position();

/* jQuery not required */

function getOffset( el ) {
    var _x = 0;
    var _y = 0;
    while( el && !isNaN( el.offsetLeft ) && !isNaN( el.offsetTop ) ) {
        _x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft;
        _y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop;
        el = el.parentNode;
    return { top: _y, left: _x };

function adjustScrollBar2(id,parentid){
    while(getOffset( document.getElementById(id) ).left > 22 ){
     document.getElementById(parentid).scrollLeft += 1;

adjustScrollBar2('tlKorea','TL'); // jQuery not required

just call one of these functions where you are calling your focus code with id of your current active anchor. 只需调用其中一个函数,即可使用当前活动锚的ID调用焦点代码。

I used getOffset from SO question -http://stackoverflow.com/questions/442404/dynamically-retrieve-html-element-xy-position-with-javascript 我从SO问题-http://stackoverflow.com/questions/442404/dynamically-retrieve-html-element-xy-position-with-javascript使用getOffset

updated jsfiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/kL2js/1/ 更新的jsfiddle- http://jsfiddle.net/kL2js/1/

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