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[英]Pass value back to server in asp.net?

In an asp.net application, I have the follow code in the aspx page: 在asp.net应用程序中,我在aspx页面中具有以下代码:

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
   <% foreach (var questionPaper in QuestionPapers) { %>
    <div style="border-bottom: 1px solid; padding-bottom:20px">
        <%= questionPaper.University %><br/>
        <%= questionPaper.CourseName %>: <%= questionPaper.CourseCode %><br/>
        <%= questionPaper.Type %><br/>
        <%= questionPaper.Year %><br/>
        <asp:Button ID="View_Paper" runat="server" OnClick="ViewPaper" Text="View Paper"/>
   <% } %>

I want to pass questionPaper.ID back to the ViewPaper() event handler on the server side, how do I do that? 我想将questionPaper.ID传递回服务器端的ViewPaper()事件处理程序,该怎么办?

    public void ViewPaper(object sender, EventArgs e)


My recommendation is to use a Repeater or a ListView control 我的建议是使用RepeaterListView控件

  • Use a Repeater if the data will be used as read-only 如果数据将用作只读,请使用Repeater

  • Use a ListView if you want to page your results and/or allow the end user to perform CRUD operation over your data 如果要分页结果和/或允许最终用户对数据执行CRUD操作,请使用ListView

For example, your code would look like this when using a Repeater and an ObjectDataSource controls: 例如,当使用RepeaterObjectDataSource控件时,您的代码将如下所示:


<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ods" runat="server" 
<asp:Repeater runat="server" DataSourceID="ods" ID="r" OnItemCommand="r_ItemCommand">
        <div style="border-bottom: 1px solid; padding-bottom:20px">
            <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="paperID" Value='<%# Eval("PaperID") %>'/>

            <asp:Label runat="server" ID="university" Text='<%# Eval("University") %>'/><br />
            <asp:Label runat="server" ID="courseName" Text='<%# Eval("CourseName") %>'/>:<asp:Label runat="server" ID="courseCode " Text='<%# Eval("CourseCode ") %>'/><br />
            <asp:Label runat="server" ID="paperType" Text='<%# Eval("Type") %>' /><br />
            <asp:Label runat="server" ID="year" Text='<%# Eval("Year") %>' /><br />
            <asp:Button ID="View_Paper" runat="server" Text="View Paper" CommandName="ViewPaperCommand"
        <hr />

ASPX code behind ASPX代码背后

protected void r_ItemCommand(object sender, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)
    switch (e.CommandName)
        case "ViewPaperCommand":
            var hidden = e.Item.FindControl("paperID") as HiddenField;
            var myPaperID = hidden.Value;


Papers repository class 论文库类

namespace Your_Namespace 
    public class PapersRepository 
        public IEnumerable < QuestionPaper > GetQuestionPapers() 
            return QuestionPapers.AsEnumerable();

You could bind it to a control and then reference that control directly? 您可以将其绑定到控件,然后直接引用该控件?

I know you have multiple questions papers being output, so that in itself is the issue. 我知道您正在输出多个问题文件,所以这本身就是问题。 It's been a while since I have used webforms, but could you not use a repeater control which would give you a row context within which you could get the specific question paper id you are looking for? 自从我使用网络表单以来已经有一段时间了,但是您是否可以不使用转发器控件,该控件将为您提供一个行上下文,您可以在其中获得所需的特定试卷ID?

Use a repeater. 使用中继器。 That kind of old skool ASP classic code has no place in ASP.Net projects. 那种老套的ASP经典代码在ASP.Net项目中没有位置。 Here's an example: http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=663 这是一个示例: http : //www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=663

It is possible to customise a repeater to make a lightweight DataGrid or ListView equivalent too. 可以自定义中继器以使轻量级DataGrid或ListView也等效。

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