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[英]Access a control of a datatemplate (listview) from code

I have a listview with a custom datatemplate, that each ListViewItem has a text, an author and a date. 我有一个带有自定义数据模板的listview,每个ListViewItem都有一个文本,一个作者和一个日期。 Something like this 像这样

Author     Date

Now I want to create multiple Items and adjust on every item these three textboxes. 现在,我想创建多个项目并针对这三个文本框的每个项目进行调整。

通常,您可以使用FindName方法( MSDN )执行此操作,但是Windows 8 WinRT框架似乎缺少此方法,而且我还没有找到另一种方法来完成此操作。

You should use data bindings: 您应该使用数据绑定:

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding List}">
              <TextBlock Text="{Binding Author}" />

List is defined in view model and an ObservableCollection<Item> . 列表在视图模型和ObservableCollection<Item>

Item: 项目:

public class Item : INofifyPropertyChanged
    private string author; 
    public string Author
        get { return author; }
            author = value;
            var copy = PropertyChanged; // avoid concurrent changes
            if (copy != null)
                copy(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));


Search the internet for more complete binding tutorials... 在互联网上搜索更完整的绑定教程...

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