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[英]Jersey: InjectableProvider not picked up - Spring

I am currently trying to create an InjectableProvider with Jersey, but I cannot get Jersey to pick it up. 我目前正在尝试使用Jersey创建一个InjectableProvider ,但是无法让Jersey来接它。

I cannot find any real examples of its usage, or even how to get it picked up besides using the @Provider annotation on the implementation. 除了在实现上使用@Provider注释外,我找不到任何实际用法示例,甚至找不到如何使用它。 The person that seemingly wrote it within Jersey implied in some posts that this is enough to have it picked up. 看似写在泽西岛上的人在某些帖子中暗示这足以使它被拾起。

Do I need to specify some SPI service file, or add it to some factory somewhere? 我需要指定一些SPI服务文件,还是将其添加到某个工厂的某个地方?

Note: I am running within Glassfish 3.1, and using Spring 3.1. 注意:我在Glassfish 3.1中运行,并使用Spring 3.1。 It seems reasonable that Spring may be somehow taking over for the automatic loading of the Provider s. Spring可能会以某种方式接管Provider的自动加载似乎是合理的。 However, I just don't know. 但是,我只是不知道。 I am not using Spring in anyway to manage the suggested InjectableProvider below, nor am I trying to add it in some other way, which may-well be my problem. 我无论如何都没有使用Spring来管理下面建议的InjectableProvider,也没有尝试以其他方式添加它,这很可能是我的问题。

import com.sun.jersey.core.spi.component.ComponentContext;
import com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Injectable;
import com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider;

public abstract class AbstractAttributeInjectableProvider<T>
        extends PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider<AttributeParam, T>
    protected final Class<T> type;

    public AbstractAttributeInjectableProvider(Class<T> type)

        this.type = type;

    public Injectable<T> getInjectable(ComponentContext componentContext,
                                       AttributeParam attributeParam)
        return new AttributeInjectable<T>(type, attributeParam.value());

Basic Implementation: 基本实现:

import javax.ws.rs.ext.Provider;

@Component // <- Spring Annotation
@Provider  // <- Jersey Annotation
public class MyTypeAttributeInjectableProvider
        extends AbstractAttributeInjectableProvider<MyType>
    public MyTypeAttributeInjectableProvider()

Reference Annotation : 参考Annotation

@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public @interface AttributeParam
     * The value is the name to request as an attribute from an {@link
     * HttpContext}'s {@link HttpServletRequest}.
     * @return Never {@code null}. Should never be blank.
    String value();

Reference link from Jersey developer . 来自Jersey开发人员的参考链接

UPDATE : calvinkrishy pointed out two flaws to my thinking. 更新 :calvinkrishy指出了我思考的两个缺陷。

First, I assumed that Jersey was going to kick off scanning for @Provider s after being kicked off by the traditional Jersey-Spring servlet: com.sun.jersey.spi.spring.container.servlet.SpringServlet . 首先,我假设Jersey在被传统的Jersey-Spring servlet: com.sun.jersey.spi.spring.container.servlet.SpringServlet启动之后,将开始扫描@Provider This was mostly incorrect; 这主要是不正确的。 it does start scanning, but it looks for Spring beans that have the annotation. 它会开始扫描,但会查找具有注释的Spring bean。

Second, I assumed that the PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider would be asked upon each incoming request for an Injectable to handle the annotation that it controls. 其次,我假设在每个传入请求中都将要求PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider提供一个Injectable来处理它控制的注释。 This too was wrong. 这也是错的。 The PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider is instantiated upon startup, as expected, but Jersey then immediately asks for Injectable 's to handle the given annotation with the given type , which it determines by scanning the Restful Services that it has--at this point--decided that it manages (which is to say, all of them). PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider在启动时会按预期方式实例化,但是Jersey随后立即要求Injectable来处理具有给定type的给定批注,该批注通过扫描其拥有的Restful Services(此时决定)确定了。管理(也就是说,全部)。

The difference between the PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider and SingletonTypeInjectableProvider seems to be that the resulting Injectable either contains the value without working for it (singleton), or it looks it up each time for the value (per request), thus enabling the value to change per request. PerRequestTypeInjectableProviderSingletonTypeInjectableProvider之间的PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider似乎是,生成的Injectable要么包含未使用该值的值(单例),要么每次都针对该值(每个请求)查找该值,从而使该值可以根据请求进行更改。

This threw a smaller wrench into my plans by forcing me to do some extra work in my AttributeInjectable (code below) rather than passing in some objects, as I had planned, to avoid giving the AttributeInjectable extra knowledge. 这迫使我在AttributeInjectable (下面的代码)中做一些额外的工作,而不是像我计划的那样传入一些对象,以避免给AttributeInjectable额外的知识,从而使我的计划付诸东流。

public class AttributeInjectable<T> implements Injectable<T>
     * The type of data that is being requested.
    private final Class<T> type;
     * The name to extract from the {@link HttpServletRequest} attributes.
    private final String name;

     * Converts the attribute with the given {@code name} into the {@code type}.
     * @param type The type of data being retrieved
     * @param name The name being retrieved.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any parameter is {@code null}.
    public AttributeInjectable(Class<T> type, String name)
        // check for null

        // required
        this.type = type;
        this.name = name;

     * Look up the requested value.
     * @return {@code null} if the attribute does not exist or if it is not the
     *         appropriate {@link Class type}.
     *         <p />
     *         Note: Jersey most likely will fail if the value is {@code null}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@link HttpServletRequest} is unset.
     * @see #getRequest()
    public T getValue()
        T value = null;
        Object object = getRequest().getAttribute(name);

        if (type.isInstance(object))
            value = type.cast(object);

        return value;

     * Get the current {@link HttpServletRequest} [hopefully] being made
     * containing the {@link HttpServletRequest#getAttribute(String) attribute}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the Servlet Filter for the {@link
     *                              RequestContextHolder} is not setup
     *                              appropriately.
     * @see org.springframework.web.filter.RequestContextFilter
    protected HttpServletRequest getRequest()
        // get the request from the Spring Context Holder (this is done for
        //  every request by a filter)
        ServletRequestAttributes attributes =

        return attributes.getRequest();

I was hoping to be able to pass in the HttpServletRequest from the Provider , but the AttributeInjectable is only instantiated per unique annotation/type. 我希望能够从Provider传递HttpServletRequest ,但是AttributeInjectable仅按唯一的注释/类型实例化。 As I cannot do that, I do that per value lookup, which uses Spring's RequestContextFilter singleton, which provides a ThreadLocal mechanism for safely retrieving the HttpServletRequest (among other things related to the current request). 因为我无法做到这一点,所以我对每个值进行了查找,该查找使用Spring的RequestContextFilter单例,该单例提供ThreadLocal机制来安全地检索HttpServletRequest (以及与当前请求相关的其他事情)。


The result does work, and it makes the code much more readable without forcing various services to extend a base class just to hide the usage of @Context HttpServletRequest request , which is then used to access the attributes as done above through some helper method. 结果的确起作用,并且在不强制各种服务扩展基类以隐藏@Context HttpServletRequest request的使用的情况下,使代码更具可读性,然后使用该方法通过一些辅助方法来访问上述属性,如上文所述。

Then you can do something along the lines of this: 然后,您可以执行以下操作:

public interface MyService
    Response postData(@AttributeParam("some.name") MyType data);

    Response postOtherData(@AttributeParam("other.name") MyOtherType data);

@Component // Spring
public class MyServiceBean implements MyService
    public Response postData(MyType data)
        // interact with data

    public Response postOtherData(MyOtherType data)
        // interact with data

This becomes very convenient as I use a Servlet Filter to ensure that the user has the appropriate privileges to access the service before passing the data, and then I can parse the incoming data (or load it, or whatever) and dump it into the attribute to be loaded. 这非常方便,因为我使用Servlet筛选器来确保用户在传递数据之前具有适当的特权来访问服务,然后可以解析传入的数据(或加载它,或以其他方式)并将其转储到属性中被加载。

If you don't want the above Provider approach, and you want the base class for accessing the attributes, then here you go: 如果您不希望使用上面的Provider方法,并且想要访问属性的基类,则可以执行以下操作:

public class RequestContextBean
     * The current request from the user.
    protected HttpServletRequest request;

     * Get the attribute associated with the current {@link HttpServletRequest}.
     * @param name The attribute name.
     * @param type The expected type of the attribute.
     * @return {@code null} if the attribute does not exist, or if it does not
     *         match the {@code type}. Otherwise the appropriately casted
     *         attribute.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code type} is {@code null}.
    public <T> T getAttribute(String name, Class<T> type)
        T value = null;
        Object attribute = request.getAttribute(name);

        if (type.isInstance(attribute))
            value = type.cast(attribute);

        return value;

public interface MyService
    Response postData();

    Response postOtherData();

public class MyServiceBean extends RequestContextBean implements MyService
    public Response postData()
        MyType data = getAttribute("some.name", MyType.class);
        // interact with data

    Response postOtherData()
        MyOtherType data = getAttribute("other.name", MyOtherType.class);
        // interact with data

UPDATE2 : I thought about my implementation of AbstractAttributeInjectableProvider , which is itself a generic class that only exists to provide AttributeInjectable 's for a given type, Class<T> and the supplied AttributeParam . UPDATE2:我想到我实施AbstractAttributeInjectableProvider ,它本身就是一个通用类只存在提供AttributeInjectable对于给定的类型,的Class<T>和所提供的AttributeParam It's far easier to provide a non- abstract implementation that is told its type ( Class<T> ) with each requested AttributeParam , thus avoiding a bunch of constructor-only implementations providing the type for you. 提供一个带有每个请求的AttributeParam类型( Class<T> )的非abstract实现要容易得多,从而避免了一堆只为您提供类型的构造函数实现。 This also avoids having to write code for every single type that you want to use with the AttributeParam annotation. 这也避免了必须为要与AttributeParam批注一起使用的每种类型编写代码。

public class AttributeParamInjectableProvider
        implements InjectableProvider<AttributeParam, Type>
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return Always {@link ComponentScope#PerRequest}.
    public ComponentScope getScope()
        return ComponentScope.PerRequest;

     * Get an {@link AttributeInjectable} to inject the {@code parameter} for
     * the given {@code type}.
     * @param context Unused.
     * @param parameter The requested parameter
     * @param type The type of data to be returned.
     * @return {@code null} if {@code type} is not a {@link Class}. Otherwise
     *         an {@link AttributeInjectable}.
    public AttributeInjectable<?> getInjectable(ComponentContext context,
                                                AttributeParam parameter,
                                                Type type)
        AttributeInjectable<?> injectable = null;

        // as long as it's something that we can work with...
        if (type instanceof Class)
            injectable = getInjectable((Class<?>)type, parameter);

        return injectable;

     * Create a new {@link AttributeInjectable} for the given {@code type} and
     * {@code parameter}.
     * <p />
     * This is provided to avoid the support for generics without the need for
     * {@code SuppressWarnings} (avoided via indirection).
     * @param type The type of data to be returned.
     * @param parameter The requested parameter
     * @param <T> The type of data being accessed by the {@code param}.
     * @return Never {@code null}.
    protected <T> AttributeInjectable<T> getInjectable(Class<T> type,
                                                       AttributeParam parameter)
        return new AttributeInjectable<T>(type, parameter.value());

Note: each Injectable is instantiated once at startup rather than per request, but they are invoked upon each incoming request. 注意:每个Injectable在启动时都会实例化一次,而不是在每个请求中实例化一次,但是会在每个传入请求时调用它们。

How are you initializing Jersey? 您如何初始化Jersey?

I will assume you are using Jersey using the jersey-spring servlet. 我假设您正在使用Jersey-spring Servlet使用Jersey。 In which case Jersey would by default initialize using Spring beans and hence your Provider has to be a Spring bean. 在这种情况下,Jersey将默认使用Spring Bean进行初始化,因此您的Provider必须是Spring Bean。 Try adding a @Named (or if you do not use atinject @Component or one of the Spring annotaions) to your Provider . 尝试将@Named添加到Provider (或者如果不使用atinject @Component或Spring注释之一)。

An example of using Injectable Providers . 使用Injectable Providers的示例

Updated : More clarity on the scope of injection: 更新 :注射范围更清晰:

The Provider has to be a Singleton, as for all practical purposes its a factory with scope tied to it and there is no need to construct a factory for every request. Provider必须是一个Singleton,因为出于所有实际目的,它是一个与范围相关联的工厂,并且无需为每个请求都构造一个工厂。 The injection itself would happen per request. 注入本身将根据请求进行。 In other words the getInjectable method would be called for every request. 换句话说, getInjectable每个请求调用getInjectable方法。 Did you get a chance to try that? 您有机会尝试一下吗?

OTOH, if you extend the SingletonTypeInjectableProvider the same object would be injected into your resource every time. OTOH,如果扩展SingletonTypeInjectableProvider ,则每次都会将同一对象注入资源中。

I am not sure I completely understand your Provider implementation. 我不确定我是否完全理解您的Provider实现。 I believe something like the following should work. 我相信类似以下的方法应该起作用。

public class UserProvider extends PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider<AttributeParam, Users>{

    public UserProvider(){

    HttpServletRequest request;

    public Injectable<Users> getInjectable(ComponentContext cc, AttributeParam a) {

        String attributeValue = AnnotationUtils.getValue(a);

        return new Injectable<Users>(){

            public Users getValue() {
                System.out.println("Called"); //This should be called for each request
                return request.getAttribute(attributeValue);




Updated : To provide more information on the injection types and contexts available in Jersey. 已更新 :提供有关Jersey中可用的注入类型和上下文的更多信息。

As you probably figured by now, if all you need is access to the HttpServletRequest then just directly injecting it into your Resource or Provider using the @Context annotation will get you that. 正如您现在可能已经想到的那样,如果您只需要访问HttpServletRequest则只需使用@Context批注将其直接注入到ResourceProvider@Context

However, to pass those values to the Injectable one has to use a AssistedProvider or use an approach similar to yours. 但是,要将这些值传递给Injectable必须使用AssistedProvider或使用与您类似的方法。 But again you can mitigate that if you inline your Injectable definition in the Provider and inject the HttpServletRequest into the Provider class. 但是,如果您在Provider中内联Injectable定义并将HttpServletRequest注入Provider类,则可以缓解这种情况。 In that case the Injectable would be able to access the HttpServletRequest instance (since its there in scope). 在那种情况下, Injectable将能够访问HttpServletRequest实例(因为它在作用域中)。 I just updated my example to show that approach. 我刚刚更新了示例以显示该方法。

Injection using PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider and SingletonTypeInjectableProvider are not the only two options you have to inject values into your resources. 使用PerRequestTypeInjectableProviderSingletonTypeInjectableProvider进行注入不是将值注入资源的唯一两个选项。 You could also inject using *Param values using a StringReaderProvider . 您还可以使用StringReaderProvider使用*Param值进行注入。 Obviously such an injection is request scoped. 显然,这种注入是请求范围内的。

public class UserProviderParam implements StringReaderProvider<Users> {

    HttpServletRequest request;

    public StringReader<Users> getStringReader(Class<?> type, Type type1, Annotation[] antns) {
        if(type.equals(Users.class) {
           return null;

        String attributeValue = null;
        for(Annotation a : antns) {
               attributeValue = (String)AnnotationUtils.getValue(a);

        return new StringReader<Users>(){
            public Users fromString(String string) {
                // Use the value of the *Param or ignore it and use the attributeValue of our custom annotation.
                return request.getAttribute(attributeValue);




This Provider would be invoked for any *Param that you have in your resource. 对于资源中具有的任何*Param ,都将调用此Provider So with a Provider like the one above registered and a resource like the one below, the Users value would be injected into your resource method. 因此,使用上面注册的Provider和下面的Provider这样的Provider ,会将Users值注入到您的资源方法中。

public class UserResource {

    public Result<Users> get(@AttributeParam("foo") @PathParam("id") Users user) {


But to be honest with you I consider this an abuse of the StringReaderProvider contract whereas the former technique of using Injectable feels cleaner. 但老实说,我认为这是对StringReaderProvider合同的滥用,而以前使用Injectable技术感觉更干净。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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