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[英]IIS tilde vulnerability issue

Here is issue that we have on one of our site: 以下是我们在其中一个网站上的问题:

File/directory name bruteforcing using the Windows file system shorthand characters and status returns codes 使用Windows文件系统速记字符和状态返回代码强制执行文件/目录名称

It is possible to find an unknown filename up to six characters by using shorthand file characters such as ~1 and
    *Example: site.com/admin/uplo*~1*/.aspx
This attack relies on reading different error codes the webserver responds with when the file(s) exist or not. Let’s say the file upload.aspx exists in the directory admin. Our attacks responses would look like this:
    site.com/admin/uplo*~1*/.aspx – IIS returns HTTP 404 File Not Found (valid file)
    site.com/admin/uplp*~1*/.aspx – IIS returns HTTP 400 Bad Request (invalid file)
        *Note that IIS 7.x responds with different error codes (0×0 when valid) instead of http status codes

More Details http://www.alertlogic.com/internet-information-server-iis-exploitation-2/ 更多详情 http://www.alertlogic.com/internet-information-server-iis-exploitation-2/

One of the possible solutions: ... If possible you may want to look into using URL rewriting to not allow any URL with a tilde character to be accepted ... 一种可能的解决方案: ...如果可能的话,您可能希望使用URL重写来禁止任何带有波浪号字符的URL被接受...

Question: How to do that? 问题:怎么做? what regular expression should be used in url rewriting rule in order to discard ~ character in all URL on the website (ASP.NET 3.5) 应该在url重写规则中使用什么正则表达式来丢弃网站上所有URL中的〜字符(ASP.NET 3.5)

It can be fixed by doing either of the following: 可以通过执行以下任一操作来修复它:

1. Install .NET 4.0 on the web server. 

OR 要么

2. Install and configure IIS URLScan module (do not allow ~ chars in the URL by adding ~ to [DenyUrlSequences] section).

Find more helpful info here: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/09/18/important-asp-net-security-vulnerability.aspx 在此处查找更多有用的信息: http//weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/09/18/important-asp-net-security-vulnerability.aspx

Need to disable the 8.3 filename generation on IIS. 需要在IIS上禁用8.3文件名生成。 Simple registry change but you need to copy all affected directories, so therefore needs IIS stopped. 简单的注册表更改,但您需要复制所有受影响的目录,因此需要IIS停止。

How to disable 8.3 file name creation on NTFS partitions 如何在NTFS分区上禁用8.3文件名创建

NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation 找到NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation

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