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[英]C# creating instance of class and set properties by name in string

I have some problem. 我有问题 I want to creating instance of class by name. 我想按名称创建类的实例。 I found Activator.CreateInstance http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d133hta4.aspx and it works fine, and I found this: Setting a property by reflection with a string value too. 我发现了Activator.CreateInstance http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/d133hta4.aspx ,并且工作正常,我发现了这一点:我也通过使用字符串值进行反射来设置属性

But how to do both od this? 但是如何同时做这件事? I mean, I know the name of class, I know all properties in that class and I have this in string. 我的意思是,我知道类的名称,我知道该类中的所有属性,并且都在字符串中。 For example: 例如:

string name = "MyClass";
string property = "PropertyInMyClass";

How to create instance and set some value to properties ? 如何创建实例并为属性设置一些值?

You could use Reflection: 您可以使用反射:

using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class Foo
    public string Bar { get; set; }

public class Program
    static void Main()
        string name = "Foo";
        string property = "Bar";
        string value = "Baz";

        // Get the type contained in the name string
        Type type = Type.GetType(name, true);

        // create an instance of that type
        object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

        // Get a property on the type that is stored in the 
        // property string
        PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty(property);

        // Set the value of the given property on the given instance
        prop.SetValue(instance, value, null);

        // at this stage instance.Bar will equal to the value

If you had System.TypeLoad Exception, your class name is wrong. 如果您有System.TypeLoad Exception,则您的类名错误。

To method Type.GetType you must enter assembly-qualified name . 对于Type.GetType方法,必须输入程序集限定名称 That is with the project name For example: GenerateClassDynamically_ConsoleApp1.Foo 那就是项目名称,例如: GenerateClassDynamically_ConsoleApp1.Foo

If it is in another assembly jou must enter assembly name after comma (details on https://stackoverflow.com/a/3512351/1540350 ): Type.GetType("GenerateClassDynamically_ConsoleApp1.Foo,GenerateClassDynamically_ConsoleApp1"); 如果它在另一个程序集中,则jou必须在逗号后输入程序集名称(详细信息请参见https://stackoverflow.com/a/3512351/1540350 ): Type.GetType(“ GenerateClassDynamically_ConsoleApp1.Foo,GenerateClassDynamically_ConsoleApp1”);

Type tp = Type.GetType(Namespace.class + "," + n.Attributes["ProductName"].Value + ",Version=" + n.Attributes["ProductVersion"].Value + ", Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null");
if (tp != null)
    object o = Activator.CreateInstance(tp);
    Control x = (Control)o;

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