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[英]Resolving dependencies in global actionfilters?

I have inherited from and extended the HandleErrorAttribute of MVC3 with some custom logging. 我继承了MVC3的HandleErrorAttribute并对其进行了扩展,并添加了一些自定义日志记录。

One thing I am struggling to do though is to neatly resolve a dependency in it using Castle Windsor. 我正在努力做的一件事是使用Castle Windsor巧妙地解决其中的依赖性。

Generally I resolve these sorts of dependencies in an extension of the ControllerActionInvoker, but it seems that the HandleErrorAttribute does not pass through here. 通常,我在ControllerActionInvoker的扩展中解决了这些依赖关系,但是HandleErrorAttribute似乎没有通过这里。

Where is it invoked from that I can hook in and extend it? 从哪里可以调用它并将其扩展?

Thanks. 谢谢。

As an example of what I currently do: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6627002/148998 作为当前当前操作的示例: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/6627002/148998


What I ended up doing was extending the ControllerActionInvoker and resolving any attribute dependencies there, specifically for the exception filters. 我最终要做的是扩展ControllerActionInvoker并在那里解决所有属性依赖关系,特别是对于异常过滤器。

The code: 编码:

  public class WindsorActionInvoker : ControllerActionInvoker
        private readonly IKernel _kernel;

        public WindsorActionInvoker(IKernel kernel)
            _kernel = kernel;

        protected override ExceptionContext InvokeExceptionFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, IList<IExceptionFilter> filters, System.Exception exception)
            foreach (var actionFilter in filters.Where(actionFilter => !(actionFilter.GetType() == controllerContext.Controller.GetType())))

            return base.InvokeExceptionFilters(controllerContext, filters, exception);

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