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[英]Why is crypt() returning different hashes with the same salt?

public static function blowfish($password, $storedpass = false) {
    //if encrypted data is passed, check it against input ($info) 
      if ($storedpass) { 
            if (substr($storedpass, 0, 60) == crypt($password, "$2a$08$".substr($storedpass, 60))) { 
                return true; 
            }  else { 
                return false; 
      }  else { 
            //make a salt and hash it with input, and add salt to end 
            $salt = "143cd669b02e155c3cca6e";//substr(bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(22)), 0, 22);
            //for ($i = 0; $i < 22; $i++) { 
                //$salt .= substr("./ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", mt_rand(0, 63), 1); 

            //return 82 char string (60 char hash & 22 char salt) 
            return crypt($password, "$2a$08$".$salt).$salt; 

print(substr($storedpass, 0, 60)."<br />");
print(crypt($password, "$2a$08$".substr($storedpass, 60))."<br />");
print(substr($storedpass, 60));

Produces the result: 产生结果:


You can see I was previously generating a random salt of 22 characters, and I know all about PHPASS, that mt_rand() is not a CSPRNG, etc etc. What confuses/concerns me is simply why crypt() (given $password = 'admin') generates a different hash even using a static salt. 您可以看到我以前生成了22个字符的随机盐,并且我对PHPASS一无所知,mt_rand()不是CSPRNG,等等。让我感到困惑/担心的只是为什么crypt()(给出$ password =' admin')甚至使用静态盐也会生成不同的哈希。 You can see I've printed the substr($storedpass, 60) which generates the proper salt, but then running the crypt() function (with the same parameters to create the initial $storedpass) it generates a different result, breaking authentication for a (relatively small and not mission-critical) application of mine... 您可以看到我已经打印了substr($ storedpass,60),它会生成正确的盐,但是然后运行crypt()函数(使用相同的参数来创建初始$ storedpass),则会生成不同的结果,从而破坏了对我的(相对较小且不是关键任务)应用程序...

it seems that you are sending the $password argument to the function as (undefined). 似乎您正在将$ password参数发送给函数(未定义)。

that would generate this hash: 这将生成此哈希:


but (for example) if you run this: 但是(例如)运行以下命令:

$password = 'admin';
echo $storedpass = blowfish($password)."<br />";

print(substr($storedpass, 0, 60)."<br />");
print(crypt('admin', '$2a$08$'.substr($storedpass, 60))."<br />");
print(substr($storedpass, 60));

if (blowfish($password, $storedpass) == true) {
    echo 1;

that would output: 将会输出:


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