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Node.js Mongodb本机驱动程序连接共享

[英]Node.js Mongodb-native driver connection sharing

main.js main.js

var http = require('http');
var UserModel = require('./models/user.js');
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res){
  }), function(e, o){
    if(e) { console.log(e); } else {
    } console.log(o); }

connections.js connections.js

var mongo = require('mongodb');

module.exports = {
    dbMain: new mongo.Db('main', new mongo.Server('', 27017, { auto_reconnect: true }, {})),
    dbLog: new mongo.Db('log', new mongo.Server('', 27017, { auto_reconnect: true }, {}))

/models/user.js /models/user.js

var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var db = require('./connections.js').dbMain;

module.exports = {
  create: function(newData, callback){
    db.open(function(e, db){
      db.collection('users', function(e, collection){
        collection.insert(newData, callback);

When I use the code above, the server crashes with the problem that, the SECOND time a request comes in, we still have the database connection opened, so lets add db.close to our Users.create function. 当我使用上面的代码时,服务器崩溃的问题是,在请求进入的第二次,我们仍然打开了数据库连接,所以我们将db.close添加到我们的Users.create函数中。

  create: function(newData, callback){
    db.open(function(e, db){
      db.collection('users', function(e, collection){
        collection.insert(newData, function(e, o){
          db.close(); // Voila.
          callback(e, o);

At this stage the server CAN still crash, because of multiple connections open, I don't understand why or how this can happen but it does. 在这个阶段,服务器CAN仍然崩溃,因为打开了多个连接,我不明白为什么或如何发生这种情况,但确实如此。

How do I organize my project into models (I don't want to use Mongoose, my validation is done in a different layer not the model, so Mongoose would be an overkill for me)? 如何将我的项目组织到模型中(我不想使用Mongoose,我的验证是在不同的模型中进行的,所以Mongoose对我来说会有点过分)? Also how do I handle connections in the project? 另外我如何处理项目中的连接?

you could have a library that wraps all this up nicely - it means that only one connection to the database will be opened and the same (open) connection will be returned for the second request - if you are getting 1000+ per second, this is a make-or-break issue (ie not re-opening the connection each request)... 你可以有一个很好地包装所有这一切的库 - 这意味着只打开一个与数据库的连接,并为第二个请求返回相同的(开放)连接 - 如果你得到每秒1000+,这是一个成败问题(即不重新打开每个请求的连接)......

users.js : users.js

var connections = require('./connections.js');

var serverCache = connections('', 27017); 

module.exports = {
  create: function(newData, callback){
    serverCache('main', 'users', function(e, collection){
      collection.insert(newData, callback);

connections.js connections.js

var mongo = require('mongodb');

// a mongo connection cache
// pass in host & port
// it returns a function accepting dbName, collectionName & callback
var mongoCache = function(host, port){

  // keep our open connections
  var mongoDatabases = {};

  var ensureDatabase = function(dbName, readyCallback){
    // check if we already have this db connection open
      readyCallback(null, mongoDatabases[dbName]);

    // get the connection
    var server = new mongo.Server(host, port, {auto_reconnect: true});

    // get a handle on the database
    var db = new mongo.Db(dbName, server);
    db.open(function(error, databaseConnection){
      if(error) throw error;

      // add the database to the cache
      mongoDatabases[dbName] = databaseConnection;

      // remove the database from the cache if it closes
      databaseConnection.on('close', function(){

      // return the database connection
      readyCallback(error, databaseConnection);

  var ensureCollection = function(dbName, collectionName, readyCallback){

    ensureDatabase(dbName, function(error, databaseConnection){
      if(error) throw error;

      databaseConnection.createCollection(collectionName, function(error, collection) {
        if(error) throw error;

        // return the collection finally
        readyCallback(error, collection);


  return ensureCollection;

module.exports = mongoCache;

I'm currently using a global connection with multiple http requests. 我目前正在使用具有多个http请求的全局连接。 In the past I created a complex library that was creating several connections to MongoDB and picking up one randomly for each connection. 在过去,我创建了一个复杂的库,它创建了几个与MongoDB的连接,并为每个连接随机选取一个。

Later I found that the native driver can do that for me, which is pretty neat. 后来我发现本机驱动程序可以为我做这个,这很漂亮。 Currently I'm using a single object, and the driver chooses to which connection send the query. 目前我正在使用单个对象,驱动程序选择向哪个连接发送查询。

var srvOpts = {
    auto_reconnect: true,
    poolSize: 10,

var conn = new Mongo.Server("localhost", 27017, srvOpts),
    db = new Mongo.Db("dbname", conn, {});

db.open(function (){});

As you can this is a great idea, I'm thinking to copy that idea into the Redis driver that I'm using, but I'm short on time so I doubt that I will do any time soon. 你可以这是一个好主意,我想把这个想法复制到我正在使用的Redis驱动程序中,但我的时间很短,所以我怀疑我会很快做的。

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