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[英]Onclick attribute with multiple function

Is there any way i can call three function which takes input as a parameter and return nothing? 我有什么方法可以调用将输入作为参数而什么都不返回的三个函数? I don't want to use click event of jquery i am looking to pass three function in attribute level. 我不想使用jclick的click事件,我希望在属性级别传递三个函数。

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Is there any way i can call three function which takes input as a parameter and return nothing? 我有什么方法可以调用将输入作为参数而什么都不返回的三个函数? I don't want to use click event of jquery i am looking to pass three function in attribute level. 我不想使用jclick的click事件,我希望在属性级别传递三个函数。

<button onclick="first(1);second(2);third(3);">go</button>

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