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[英]Restler always returning error 404 not found

I can't seem to figure this one out. 我似乎无法弄清楚这一点。

The class: 班级:

class Assets {
 function getOne($id) {
    $asset = DBO_Asset::getOneByPublicId($id);

    return $asset->id;

The index.php: index.php:

require_once 'restler/restler.php';
require_once 'API/Assets.php';

$rest = new Restler();

The URL: 网址:


The result: 结果:

  "error": {
  "code": 404,
  "message": "Not Found"

I have no idea why this is creating a 404, but I followed the instructions, and I am still not getting anywhere. 我不知道为什么要创建404,但是我按照说明进行了操作,但仍然无法解决任何问题。 Can someone please help me figure this out? 有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?

Restler is using get , post , put , delete as method prefixes to automatically map them to respective HTTP method/verb Restler使用getpostputdelete作为方法前缀来自动将它们映射到相应的HTTP方法/动词

GET is the default HTTP method, so if you dont prefix a method with any of the above, it will be mapped to GET method GET是默认的HTTP方法,因此,如果未在上述方法中添加任何前缀,它将被映射到GET方法

Your api is currently mapping to the following url 您的api当前正在映射到以下网址


If having getOne in the url is important for you, use @url comment as shown below to manually route that way 如果在URL中使用getOne对您很重要,请使用如下所示的@url注释手动进行路由

class Assets
     * @url GET getOne/:id
     * @url GET getOne
    function getOne($id)
        $asset = DBO_Asset::getOneByPublicId($id);
        return $asset->id;

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