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php preg_match'/'与正则表达式

[英]php preg_match '/' with regex

I'm matching routes, so If I have a string 我正在匹配路线,所以如果我有一个字符串


and I want to check if it starts with 我想检查一下是否以


My newbie approach is hoping this evaluates to true 我的新手方法希望这能评估为真

preg_match("/^/teacher//", "/teacher/jkDfl")

But I think the issue is all the '/' characters, and looking around nothing popped out at me. 但是我认为问题出在所有'/'字符上,到处都看不到我。 I probably need to work on my google-fu, but I figure this is simple for someone with xp in regex. 我可能需要在Google-fu上工作,但是我认为对于正则表达式中具有xp的人来说,这很简单。

Cheers! 干杯!

Delimiters are somewhat arbitrary, so, the often used # delimiter would work: 分隔符在某种程度上是任意的,因此,常用的#分隔符将起作用:


If you're very fond of / 's, you can escape them with \\ 's: 如果您非常喜欢/ ,则可以使用\\进行转义:


... or let PHP do that for you (good for user provided literal strings): ...或让PHP为您做到这一点(适用于用户提供的文字字符串):


You can use # as regexp delimiter. 您可以使用#作为正则表达式分隔符。

preg_match("#^/teacher/#", "/teacher/jkDfl")

You could also capture the various parameters (eg jkDfl) with regexps, see: 您还可以使用正则表达式捕获各种参数(例如jkDfl),请参见:

http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match.php http://php.net/manual/zh/function.preg-match.php

In this case: 在这种情况下:

if (preg_match("#^/teacher/([^?]*)#", $url, $gregs))
    $teacher = $gregs[1]; // "jkDfl"

You have two options: change the delimiter or escape the literals. 您有两种选择:更改定界符或对文字进行转义。

Different delimiter: 不同的定界符:

preg_match("%^/teacher/%", "/teacher/jkDfl");

Escape literals: 转义文字:

preg_match("/^\/teacher\//", "/teacher/jkDfl");
preg_match("/^" . preg_quote("/teacher/", "/") . "/", "/teacher/jkDfl");


preg_match("/^\/teacher\//", "/teacher/jkDfl")

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