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[英]php - search an array for a string

  $tags = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle('recipe_tags'); // attribute handle of tags to search
  $tagToFind = 'Videos'; // declare the specific tag to find
  $selectedTags = array($page->getAttribute($tags->getAttributeKeyHandle())); // get tags associated with each page and put them in an array

  foreach ($selectedTags as $tag) { // output tags separately

    echo $tag; // ECHO TEST - check that individual tags associated with each page are outputting correctly

    if ($tag == $tagToFind) { // if $tag is equal to $tagToFind
      echo ' Found';
    } else {
      echo ' Not found';

echo $tag; outputs the list of tags associated with each page so I'm pretty sure the issue is how I'm checking if 'Videos' is in the list of tags. 输出与每个页面关联的标签列表,因此我很确定问题是我如何检查“视频”是否在标签列表中。

The above outputs the following list: Breakfast Brunch Budget Meal Easy Lunch Quick Meals Supper Vegetarian Videos and Not found even though Videos is in the list. 上面输出以下列表: Breakfast Brunch Budget Meal Easy Lunch Quick Meals Supper Vegetarian Videos和即使在列表中也Not found视频。

I've also tried using in_array to look for 'Videos' like this: 我也尝试过使用in_array查找“视频”,如下所示:

if (in_array($tagToFind, $selectedTags, true)) { // search the array for $tagToFind - true = strict
  echo ' Found';
} else { 
    echo ' Not found';

But get the same result - I'm new to php so sorry if this is easy. 但是得到相同的结果-我是php的新手,如果这很简单,请对不起。

Any help would be much appreciated. 任何帮助将非常感激。

Cheers 干杯

It seems that $selectedTags an array of one string, since your foreach only loops once 似乎$ selectedTags标记了一个字符串数组,因为您的foreach仅循环一次

You should try doing 你应该尝试做

$selectedTags = explode(" ",$page->getAttribute($tags->getAttributeKeyHandle()));

Then use in_array function 然后使用in_array函数


seems to return a string. 似乎返回一个字符串。

In that case 在这种情况下

$selectedTags = array($page->getAttribute($tags->getAttributeKeyHandle())); 

makes no sense - you get an array containing one long string. 没有道理-您得到一个包含一个长字符串的数组。

What you want to to is: 您想要的是:

$selectedTags = $page->getAttribute($tags->getAttributeKeyHandle()); $ selectedTags = $ page-> getAttribute($ tags-> getAttributeKeyHandle());

if(stristr($selectedTags, $tagToFind)){
  // do something
  // do something else

Then Better to use.... 然后更好地使用...。

if(strcmp($tag , $tagToFind))
    echo "Found";
    echo "Not found";

may this works for you 可能这对你有用

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