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[英]How to push tags to remote git repository with PHPStorm?

I use PHPStorm IDE in my everyday development. 我在日常开发中使用PHPStorm IDE。 It's pretty well integrated with many CVS. 它与许多CVS很好地集成在一起。 But when I start using git I've found that plenty of git functions are not supported. 但是当我开始使用git时,我发现不支持大量的git功能。 Or I just missed something. 或者我只是错过了一些东西。 That's why I ask. 这就是为什么我问。

Is there any way to push tags (git push --tags) with PHPStorm? 有什么方法可以使用PHPStorm推送标签(git push --tags)?

When I run 当我跑步

CVS | CVS | Git | Git | Tag Files 标签文件

tag is created and I even can see it in PHPStorm git log. 标签已创建,我什至可以在PHPStorm git日志中看到它。 But it exists only locally. 但是它仅存在于本地。 Nothing is pushed to remote. 什么都没有推到远程。 If I try to make Push after tag creation IDE says "Nothing to push". 如果在创建标签后尝试进行“推送”,IDE会说“没什么可推送”。

It's in the "Push Commits" dialog 在“推送提交”对话框中

VCS | VCS | Git | Git | Push → ☑ Push Tags 推→☑推标签


See: Jetbrains Ticket IDEA-77483 - GIT "Push tags" missing from push dialog 请参阅: Jetbrains票证IDEA-77483-推送对话框中缺少GIT“推送标签”

I don't know PHPStorm, but a normal git push <remote> <branch> at the command line won't pickup tags. 我不知道PHPStorm,但是在命令行上正常的git push <remote> <branch>不会拾取标签。 You need to issue either: 您需要发出:

git push <remote> --tags ;# push all tags
git push <remote> <tag> ;# push one tag

Again, I can't speak to PHPStorm, but this operation is quite easy from the command line. 同样,我无法与PHPStorm对话,但是从命令行开始此操作非常简单。

You cannot do it. 你做不了。 But you can join a request in here http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-77483 The only possibility is command line and git push –tags 但是您可以在此处加入请求http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-77483唯一的可能性是命令行和git push –tags

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