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[英]Does perlbrew work with cygwin?

Searching the web, I have found almost no evidence that perlbrew works on cygwin. 在网上搜索,我发现几乎没有证据表明perlbrew可以在cygwin上运行。 The specifics of my current issue are: 我当前问题的具体细节是:

With the latest install of cygwin (which includes perl 5.14.2), I'm trying to install perl-5.14.2 using the latest perlbrew, installed from the web (not CPAN). 随着最新安装的cygwin(包括perl 5.14.2),我正在尝试使用从网络安装的最新perlbrew安装perl-5.14.2(不是CPAN)。 I get a hang just after ../dist/threads-shared/t/shared_attr.t...ok is printed to build.log. 我刚刚将./dist/threads-shared/t/shared_attr.t...ok打印到build.log后挂起。 This is on WinXP Pro 2002 SP3. 这是在WinXP Pro 2002 SP3上。 Previous tries at using perlbrew on other builds of cygwin (which include perl 5.10.1) have also failed, but in other places. 之前尝试在其他版本的cygwin(包括perl 5.10.1)上使用perlbrew也失败了,但在其他地方。

I have posted a comment on Reini Urban's blog on blogs.perl.org and an issue/bug on github for App-perlbrew, but with no responses yet. 我在blogs.perl.org上发布了关于Reini Urban博客的评论,并在app-perlbrew上发布了关于github的问题/ bug,但还没有回复。

Is there any hope that I can get perl to build on cygwin? 有没有希望我能在perg上建立cygwin? If not, what can I do to work around it and still use perlbrew (to unify my environments so that my cygwin environment uses perlbrew, just like my linux environment does)? 如果没有,我该怎么做才能解决它仍然使用perlbrew(统一我的环境,以便我的cygwin环境使用perlbrew,就像我的linux环境一样)?

perlbrew works and perl can be built on Cygwin, with the minor annoyance that some of the unit tests hang (as you have discovered). perlbrew作品和perl可以建立在Cygwin上,一些单元测试的轻微烦恼(正如你所发现的那样)。 Keep one eye on the build process output and kill the tests (usually thread related) that don't do anything for a couple of minutes using ps and kill . 密切关注构建过程输出并使用pskill几分钟内没有做任何事情的测试(通常是线程相关的)。 perlbrew should (knock on wood) run make install even if a handful of tests did not pass. perlbrew应该(敲木头)运行make install即使少数测试没有通过。

I never got perlbrew run under cygwin. 我从来没有在cygwin下运行perlbrew。 But as a workaround perhaps try plenv . 但作为一种解决方法或许尝试plenv When I last tried it, it worked out of the box under cygwin. 当我上次尝试时,它在cygwin下开箱即用。

A 2018 update - perlbrew works fine for me on Cygwin. 2018年更新 - 在Cygwin上perlbrew对我来说很好。 However, perlbrew-installed perls will not have the patches that a system Perl has. 但是,perlbrew安装的perls不会有Perl系统的补丁。 I have a sample repo at https://github.com/cxw42/perlbrew-on-cygwin showing how I built the latest Cygwin system perl and installed it as a perlbrew perl. 我在https://github.com/cxw42/perlbrew-on-cygwin上有一个样本回购,展示了我如何构建最新的Cygwin系统perl并将其作为perlbrew perl安装。

In short, building Perl with prefix, site prefix, and vendor prefix set to ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-<version> will generate a Perl tree. 简而言之,将前缀,站点前缀和供应商前缀设置为~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-<version>的Perl ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-<version>将生成Perl树。 You can drop that Perl tree into ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/ , and perlbrew will pick it up as an available Perl. 你可以把Perl树放到~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/ ,而~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/会将它作为一个可用的Perl。

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