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C ++中的向量和结构

[英]Vectors and Structs in C++

I am trying to make a data tree that holds multiple data types and vectors. 我正在尝试创建一个包含多种数据类型和向量的数据树。 What I have so far is shown below: 到目前为止我所拥有的内容如下所示:

struct VertStruct{
    double X, Y, Z;
struct FaceStruct{
    int F1, F2, F3, F4;
struct FaceNormalStruct{
    double X, Y, Z;
struct LODStruct{
    std::vector<VertStruct> Verts;
    std::vector<FaceStruct> Faces;
    std::vector<FaceNormalStruct> FaceNormals;
struct ChunkStruct{
    std::vector<LODStruct> LOD;

int main(){

    std::vector<ChunkStruct> Chunk;

    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

        for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
return 1;

Now this compiles fine and is exactly what I want, however, if I try to set a value to something like: 现在这个编译很好,正是我想要的,但是,如果我尝试将值设置为:

int Number = 42;
Chunk[5].LOD[4].Verts[3] = Number;

Then I get the following error: 然后我收到以下错误:

 main.cpp|126|error: no match for 'operator=' in 'Chunk.std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator[] [with _Tp = ChunkStruct, _Alloc = std::allocator<ChunkStruct>](5u)->ChunkStruct::LOD.std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator[] [with _Tp = LODStruct, _Alloc = std::allocator<LODStruct>](4u)->LODStruct::Verts.std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator[] [with _Tp = VertStruct, _Alloc = std::allocator<VertStruct>](3u) = Number'|

So am I missing something or is what I am attempting to do not possible? 我错过了什么,或者我试图做不到的事情?

Verts[3] is of type VertStruct and Number is an int so the assignment is not possible (with the posted code). Verts[3]的类型为VertStructNumberint因此无法进行赋值(使用已发布的代码)。 You could specify one of the members of VertStruct as the target of the assignment: 您可以指定VertStruct一个成员作为赋值的目标:

Chunk[5].LOD[4].Verts[3].X = Number;

If you wanted to be able to assign an int to a VertStruct you provide an operator=(int) (as mentioned already by Luchian) but it seems to me it would be quite ambiguous at the call site to what member(s) the int value is being assigned to: 如果你想能够为VertStruct分配一个int ,你提供了一个operator=(int) (如Luchian已经提到的那样)但是在我看来 ,在调用站点上对于int成员来说会很模糊值被分配给:

struct VertStruct
    double X, Y, Z;
    VertStruct& operator=(int d)
        X = d; // Or 'Y' or 'Z' or all.
        return *this;

This 这个


is a VertStruct , and you cannot assign an integer to it. VertStruct ,您不能为其分配整数。

You are missing something, and it's not impossible (everything's possible if you can imagine it. That's what being a scientist is all about) :) 你错过了什么,这并非不可能(如果你能想象的话,一切皆有可能。那就是科学家的全部意义):)

Chunk[5] returns a ChunkStruct . Chunk[5]返回一个ChunkStruct

Chunk[5].LOD returns a std::vector<LODStruct> . Chunk[5].LOD返回一个std::vector<LODStruct>

Chunk[5].LOD[4] returns a LODStruct . Chunk[5].LOD[4]返回LODStruct

Chunk[5].LOD[4].Verts returns a std::vector<VertStruct> . Chunk[5].LOD[4].Verts返回std::vector<VertStruct>

Finally, Chunk[5].LOD[4].Verts[3] returns a VertStruct . 最后, Chunk[5].LOD[4].Verts[3]返回一个VertStruct And you try to assign an int to it. 并尝试为其分配一个int Obviously, not gonna work with your code. 显然,不能使用你的代码。

To get this to work (this exact syntax), you should overload operator = (int x) . 为了使这个工作(这个确切的语法),你应该重载operator = (int x) Otherwise, assign the int to whichever member you want. 否则,将int分配给您想要的任何成员。

You are assigning one number which is an int into VertStruct , which is a struct and has 3 fields (X, Y, Z). 您将一个int数字分配给VertStruct ,它是一个struct ,有3个字段(X,Y,Z)。 If you wanted to set X coordinate, do: 如果要设置X坐标,请执行以下操作:

Chunk[5].LOD[5].Verts[3].X = Number;

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