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[英]How to add 2 four bit Hexa to make a ASCII char byte

I have a binary file from a source, from which i have to retrive data so that it is read in human readable form. 我有一个来自源的二进制文件,我必须从中检索数据,以便以人类可读的形式读取数据。 I have retrived the data and have it in the 4 bit hexa. 我已检索数据并将其保存在4位六进制中。 For eg the file size is 256 byte and i am retrieving it in hexa and getting 512 4 bit hexa values. 例如,文件大小为256字节,而我正在以十六进制的形式获取它,并获得512个4位六进制值。 Now, to make it human readable ASCII chars, i have to add two 4 bit hexa to make a byte. 现在,要使其成为人类可读的ASCII字符,我必须添加两个4位六进制以构成一个字节。 The way i am retrieving the data in Hex format is 我以十六进制格式检索数据的方式是

byte = read_buffer[i];

// Convert the Most Significant nibble for first byte
write_buffer_hex[(i + 1) * 2 + 0] = hex_chars[(byte >> 4)];

// Convert the Least Significant nibble for the first byte
write_buffer_hex[(i + 1) * 2 + 1] = hex_chars[byte & 0x0f];

Now, my question is how should i add these two hex values to have a ASCII value. 现在,我的问题是我应该如何将这两个十六进制值相加以具有ASCII值。 The way i am doing now is to just add these two, but is it the correct way ??. 我现在要做的就是将这两个加在一起,但这是正确的方法吗? Thank you 谢谢

I agree with John, it may be easier to output it directly in the hexadecimal basis like so: 我同意约翰的观点,以十六进制为基础直接输出可能会更容易,例如:

printf("%x", byte);

or with C++'s IOstream library: 或使用C ++的IOstream库:

cout << hex << byte;

Use a lookup table: 使用查找表:

static char const alphabet[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";

// Loop:

output[cursor++] = alphabet[byte % 16];
output[cursor++] = alphabet[byte / 16];

You can index directly into the string, too: 您也可以直接在字符串中建立索引:

output[cursor++] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[byte % 16];

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