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[英]posting to FaceBook wall using the C# SDK

My users login to Facebook through JavaScript and an Ajax/JSON call, and I check that the username is in our DB through a web-service. 我的用户通过JavaScript和Ajax / JSON调用登录到Facebook,我通过网络服务检查用户名是否在数据库中。 If successful, a Facebook cookie is created and the user is logged in. 如果成功,将创建一个Facebook cookie,并登录用户。

No SDK has been used this far. 到目前为止,尚未使用过SDK。

Now, using the SDK, I want to allow the user to post a message to their wall after they've successfully uploaded a file. 现在,使用SDK,我希望允许用户在成功上传文件后将消息发布到他们的墙上。 Already handling file upload, it's working. 已经在处理文件上传,正在运行。 Upon upload success, I want to use the SDK to post a message to the user's wall with a link to the uploaded file. 成功上传后,我想使用SDK将消息上传到用户墙上,并带有指向上传文件的链接。

Can I access that cookie info, because the user is already logged in, via the SDK and use what is necessary to post to the wall? 因为用户已经登录,我可以通过SDK访问该cookie信息并使用必要的信息发布到墙上吗?

If so, can anyone point me at a sample? 如果是这样,谁能指出我的样本?

By Facebook SDK, do you mean Facebook Open Graph API? 通过Facebook SDK,您的意思是Facebook Open Graph API吗? Here's a link the facebook documentations on this , also I did a screencast series on getting started with the open graph - here . 这里有一个链接,Facebook的单证 ,我也做了入门与开放图的截屏系列- 在这里

The basic idea is that you create objects ('file to be uploaded', in your case) and actions ('successful file upload', in your case) which you wire to your application and which post information to the authorized user's facebook timeline, newsfeed or ticker. 基本思想是创建连接到应用程序的对象(在您的情况下为“要上传的文件”)和操作(在您的情况下为“成功上传文件”),并将操作发布到授权用户的Facebook时间轴上,新闻源或股票行情。

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