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[英]Thread Errors involving Swing's EDT

As you can see from my code I am totally missing a whole gaping concept here. 正如您从我的代码中看到的那样,我在这里完全缺少一个完整的概念。 My goal is to have the user input: 我的目标是让用户输入:

Jbutton text field: text orientation and mnemonic Jbutton文本字段:文本方向和助记符

I pass that info to my Button class that checks for errors and gives back a button already defined. 我将该信息传递给我的Button类,该类检查错误并返回已经定义的按钮。

Then populate the JFrame with said button as to the user specs. 然后,根据用户要求,使用上述按钮填充JFrame。

BASIC and obviously a course question, but I'm at my wit's end here. BASIC显然是一个课程问题,但我的智慧到此为止。 This is the first time I've asked for help so please take it easy on me. 这是我第一次寻求帮助,因此请放心。

import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JButton;

 * This class will create a button using the Button class and with user input to define the instance
 * of the Button Class.
public class CreateButton extends JPanel
    // instance variables 
    private static String userIn; // user input
    private static Button userButton; // button to be manipulated
    public static JButton createdButton; // finished button

     * Contructor for the CreateButton class.
    public static void main (String [] args)

            System.out.println("\nThis program will create a button with some input for you.");
            System.out.println("What would you like to call this button?");

            userIn = StringIn.get();

            userButton = new Button();

            System.out.println("\nYou can orient your text on the button in the vertical and");
            System.out.println("horizontal axis. We will start with the vertical. Where would you like");
            System.out.println("the text, on the top, center, or bottom?");

            userIn = StringIn.get();

            String vertical = userIn;

            System.out.println("\nNext let's select the horizontal alignment. Would you like the text");
            System.out.println("aligned to the left, center, or right?");

            userIn = StringIn.get();

            String horizontal = userIn;


            System.out.println("\nFinally let's add a mnemonic or hotkey to the button. Pick a letter");
            System.out.println("from a-z on the keyboard and you can activate the button by pushing");
            System.out.println("ALT + your letter of choice. Please enter your letter:");

            userIn = StringIn.get();


            System.out.println("\nGreat let's create and see this button.");

            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() 
                public void run() 


     private static void createAndShowGUI() 

        //Create and set up the window.
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Create a Button");

        //Create and set up the content pane.
        CreateButton newContentPane =  new CreateButton();
        newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque

        //Display the window.


My button error checker code is as follows: 我的按钮错误检查器代码如下:

import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
import javax.swing.JButton;

 * This class will demonstrate the use of a button.
public class Button                        
    // instance variables 
    protected JButton myButton; // button to be created and manipulated
    private String myButtonText; // text on the button
    private String myButtonVerticalTextPosition; 
    private String myButtonHorizontalTextPosition;
    private String myButtonMnemonic; // hotkey for the button

     * Constructor for objects of class Button
    public Button()


     *Set button text. String input.
    public void buttonText(String textIn)
        myButtonText = textIn;

     *Set button text position. String input for vertical (top, center, bottom) and horizontal
     *(left, center, right).
    public void textPosition(String verticalIn, String horizontalIn)
        myButtonVerticalTextPosition = verticalIn;

        boolean validInput = false;

            if  ((myButtonVerticalTextPosition.compareToIgnoreCase("top") == 0)||  
                 (myButtonVerticalTextPosition.compareToIgnoreCase("centre") == 0) ||
                 (myButtonVerticalTextPosition.compareToIgnoreCase("center") == 0) ||
                 (myButtonVerticalTextPosition.compareToIgnoreCase("bottom") == 0))

                validInput = true;
            } else

               System.out.println("\nPlease enter top, center, or bottom for vertical position:");
               myButtonVerticalTextPosition = StringIn.get();
        } while (validInput == false);

        myButtonHorizontalTextPosition = horizontalIn;

        validInput = false;

            if  ((myButtonHorizontalTextPosition.compareToIgnoreCase("left") == 0) ||  
                 (myButtonHorizontalTextPosition.compareToIgnoreCase("centre") == 0) ||
                 (myButtonHorizontalTextPosition.compareToIgnoreCase("center") == 0) ||
                 (myButtonHorizontalTextPosition.compareToIgnoreCase("right") == 0))

                validInput = true;
            } else 

                System.out.println("\nPlease enter left, center, or right for horizontal position:");
                myButtonHorizontalTextPosition = StringIn.get();
        } while (validInput == false);

     *Set button mnemomic. String input for mnemomic [a-z].
    public void buttonMnemomic(String mnemomicIn)
        myButtonMnemonic = mnemomicIn;
        boolean validInput = false;

            if  (myButtonMnemonic.length() > 1)
                System.out.println("\nPlease enter a letter from a-z: ");
                myButtonMnemonic = StringIn.get();
            } else if (!myButtonMnemonic.matches("^[a-zA-Z]+$"))
                System.out.println("\nPlease enter a letter from a-z: ");
                myButtonMnemonic = StringIn.get();
            } else if ((myButtonMnemonic.length() == 1) && 
                validInput = true;
        } while (validInput == false);

     *Create button. Void method to create the button to the variables provided.
    public void createButton()
        // create new button

        myButton = new JButton(myButtonText);

        // set text position

        switch (myButtonVerticalTextPosition)
            case "top":
            case "centre":
            case "center":
            case "bottom":
                System.err.format("%n%s is an invalid entry.", myButtonVerticalTextPosition);

        switch (myButtonHorizontalTextPosition)
            case "left":
            case "centre":
            case "center":
            case "right":
                System.err.format("%n%s is an invalid entry.", myButtonVerticalTextPosition);

        // set button mnemonic

        StringBuilder hotKey = new StringBuilder("KeyEvent.VK_");

        // set tool tip text

        myButton.setToolTipText("Push the button. You know you want to.");

     *Returns a JButton for the button type.
    public JButton returnButton()
        return myButton;

This all works up to the part where you add the "createdButton". 所有这些都可以在添加“ createdButton”的部分完成。 If I make it a default button it goes through the motions and puts up the default button. 如果我将其设置为默认按钮,它将经历所有动作并提出默认按钮。

FYI this is my StringIn code: 仅供参考,这是我的StringIn代码:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.IOException;

 * This class will allow the user to type in string from the console.

public class StringIn 
    // instance variables 
    private static String userIn;

    public static String get() 

        try (Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in))
            userIn = new String(in.nextLine()); // Read the string from console.
        return userIn;


For the StringIn class just do: 对于StringIn类,只需执行以下操作:

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class StringIn 
        // instance variables 
        private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

        public static String get(){
            return scanner.nextLine();

Edit2: 编辑2:

Okay, so I copied your code into my IDE and the error I got was an error originating in your StringIn class. 好的,所以我将您的代码复制到我的IDE中,并且得到的错误是源自您的StringIn类的错误。 ( I don't remember actually but that doesn't really matter. ) (我实际上不记得了,但这并不重要。)

Your StringIn class should look like the above example. 您的StringIn类应类似于上面的示例。

For your createAndShowGUI() function: 对于您的createAndShowGUI()函数:

    private static void createAndShowGUI() 

        //Create and set up the window.
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Create a Button");

        //Create and set up the content pane. ( Why were you even doing this? )

        frame.add(createdButton); //( To display the actual button you need to
        //add it to the frame)

        //Display the window.


Do like that^ 那样做^

I couldn't get the mnemonic related things to work properly, and I don't want to spend so much time on it, so I just removed them. 我无法使与助记符相关的事情正常工作,并且我不想花太多时间在上面,因此我将其删除。 The orientation thingies didn't work either. 方向的东西也不起作用。

Put this at the bottom in main(String args[]) 将其放在main(String args [])的底部

    createdButton = userButton.createButton(); // Make createButton() return Button;

You don't need JButton anywhere in your code except for this part: 除了以下部分,您不需要在代码中的任何位置使用JButton:

    public class Button extends JButton
    // And of course the import statement...

You can use Button.TOP instead of AbstractButton.TOP which will get rid of an import statement for you. 您可以使用Button.TOP而不是AbstractButton.TOP ,它会为您消除导入语句。

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