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[英]How can I integrate a SmartGWT application into a website?

I've made a simple app and now I need to integrate it into an existing website but I can't seem to find any materials on how I should do it. 我做了一个简单的应用程序,现在我需要将其集成到现有网站中,但是我似乎找不到任何有关如何使用它的材料。 What I do find is related to skinning/theming, and although I'll need this at some point, currently it's not what I'm looking for. 我发现的内容与皮肤/主题有关,尽管我有时会需要它,但目前并不是我想要的。

Edit: This is the page I want to integrate the web application to: http://skrobot.gandzo.com/#!/vjezbenici/ The content div (id="main_content") here is empty, and what it will contain is the login form - the username and password fields. 编辑:这是我要将Web应用程序集成到的页面: http ://skrobot.gandzo.com/#!/vjezbenici/这里的内容div(id =“ main_content”)为空,它将包含的内容是登录表单-用户名和密码字段。 After the user logs in, the application (it's a one page app) will be loaded. 用户登录后,将加载该应用程序(单页应用程序)。

The problem here is that I have just made a prototype that consists of a few Vertical/Horizontal layout items that spread the full width of the loaded page. 这里的问题是我刚刚制作了一个原型,其中包含一些垂直/水平布局项目,这些项目分散了整个加载页面的宽度。 I must confess, I didn't try just inserting the HTML from your bootstrap page since I don't see how that would work since I want the app to load just in a specific div. 我必须承认,我没有尝试仅从引导程序页面插入HTML,因为我不希望这样运行,因为我希望应用程序仅在特定的div中加载。

For incorporating an existing web application to your SmartGWT app use HTMLPane. 要将现有的Web应用程序合并到您的SmartGWT应用程序中,请使用HTMLPane。 It will internally create an iframe element. 它将在内部创建一个iframe元素。

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