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[英]How to use grunt-html installed globally?

I would like to use grunt-html task to check my HTML files. 我想使用grunt-html任务来检查我的HTML文件。

I install the task locally with npm install grunt-html and use it in grunt.js as follows: 我使用npm install grunt-html 在本地安装任务,并在grunt.js使用它,如下所示:

module.exports = function (grunt) {






Now I would like to install the grunt-html task globally . 现在我想在全局安装grunt-html任务。

Unfortunately after removing the local grunt-html node module and installing it globally grunt fails to load the task. 不幸的是,在删除本地grunt-html节点模块并将其全局安装后, grunt无法加载任务。 While running grunt htmllint I get: 在运行grunt htmllint我得到:

>> Local Npm module "grunt-html" not found. Is it installed?

If I remove grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-html'); 如果我删除grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-html'); from the grunt.js file I get: grunt.js文件我得到:

Task "htmllint" not found. Use --force to continue.

So my question is how to use grunt-html installed globally ? 所以我的问题是如何使用全局安装的grunt-html

gruntjs doesn't currently support loading globally-installed grunt modules from loadNpmTasks , per the documentation of grunt.loadNpmTasks : 根据loadNpmTasks的文档, grunt.loadNpmTasks目前不支持从loadNpmTasks加载全局安装的grunt模块:

This plugin must be installed locally via npm, and must be relative to the grunt.js gruntfile. 此插件必须通过npm本地安装,并且必须相对于grunt.js gruntfile。

Of course, if you really insist on installing it globally, a hack would be to create a symlink ( ln -s ) from your local node_modules directory to your global node_modules/grunt-html directory. 当然,如果你真的坚持全局安装它,那么hack就是从你的本地node_modules目录到你的全局node_modules/grunt-html目录创建一个符号链接( ln -s )。

If you're doing module development, another alternative would be to use the under-appreciated npm link command that lets you locally install a module that exists elsewhere on you system (see npm help link for usage information). 如果您正在进行模块开发,另一种方法是使用npm link受欢迎的npm link命令,该命令允许您在本地安装系统中其他位置的模块(有关使用信息,请参阅npm help link )。

Both of these approaches, though, don't allow you to truly install the grunt-html package globally. 但是,这两种方法都不允许您在全局范围内真正安装grunt-html软件包。

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