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[英]Javascript: Checked radio button

In one page I have two form for search: 在一页中,有两种搜索形式:

<form class="search-panel" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return searchRedirect(this)">
        <input type="test" name="searchFor" />
        <div class="additional-search-button"></div>
        <div id="additional-search-box">
            <div class="as-cont">
                Books<input type="radio" name="category" value="Books" checked="1" /><br/>
                School<input type="radio" name="category" value="School" /><br/>
                Music<input type="radio" name="category" value="Music" />
       <input type="submit" name="search" />

<form class="search-panel" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return searchRedirect(this)">
            <input type="test" name="searchFor" />
            Games<input type="radio" name="category" value="Games" checked="1" />
            <input type="submit" name="search" />

My problem is that if I click search for Games in searchRedirect always alert Books, School or Music if they checked: 我的问题是,如果我单击“搜索重定向”中的“搜索游戏”,则如果选中了“书籍”,“学校”或“音乐”,则会始终发出警报:

That is my javascript function: 那就是我的javascript函数:

function searchRedirect(form) {

    if($(form['category']+':checked').val() == 'Форум')
        window.location.href = '/forum/search.php?keywords='+form['searchFor'].value;
    else {
        window.location.href = '/Search/'+$(form['category']+':checked').val()+'/'+form['searchFor'].value;

    return false;

I need if I click to search games - search only for games, if click to search books,school or music - searching only for them. 如果我单击以搜索游戏,则仅需要搜索游戏;如果单击以搜索书籍,学校或音乐,则需要仅搜索它们。 But now search form for games always use first form checked buttons. 但是现在,游戏的搜索表单始终使用第一个表单选中的按钮。

form['category'] will give you a NodeList of all form elements whose name is category , thus you can't use it as a selector by concatenating it with :checked . form['category']将为您提供所有名称为category表单元素的NodeList ,因此您不能通过将它与:checked串联来用作选择器。 It'd be the equivalent of $("[object NodeList]:checked") . 相当于$("[object NodeList]:checked")

Since you are already using jQuery, you can use the following instead: 由于您已经在使用jQuery,因此可以改用以下内容:


That is, within the context of form , find every input element with name category that is checked , and get its value . 也就是说,在form的上下文中,找到每个具有checked名称category input元素,并获取其value

you can't real do form["category"] + ":checked" , instead use jQuery's filter method and than use 'this' to reference the form. 您不能真正使用form["category"] + ":checked" ,而是使用jQuery的filter方法,而不使用'this'来引用表单。 Also, you can/should use jQuery .submit() to catch the event instead of an inline handler and just for clearer code (and also for better performance) put the $(form['category']+':checked') into a variable so jquery won't need to search for the element again and again. 另外,您可以/应该使用jQuery .submit()代替内联处理程序来捕获事件,并且只是为了更清晰的代码(也为了提高性能),将$(form['category']+':checked')放入一个变量,因此jquery不需要一次又一次地搜索元素。 This is a sample: 这是一个示例:

var checked = $(this['category']).filter(':checked');
var value = checked.val();

This is a fiddle so you can fiddle (the e passed to the submit callback is the event object and e.preventDefault is like returning false so the form won't submit): http://jsfiddle.net/SJ7Vd/ 这是一个小提琴,因此您可以进行小提琴(传递给Submit回调的e是事件对象,而e.preventDefault就像返回false一样,因此该表单将不会提交): http : //jsfiddle.net/SJ7Vd/

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