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MVC3如何使用@ <text></text> 作为html辅助参数

[英]MVC3 how to use @<text></text> as html helper parameter

I'm a little lost with the creation of an MVC3 Helper. 创建一个MVC3助手我有点失落。 I have my helper that just create a row with an expression that is passed as parameter. 我有我的助手,只需创建一个带有作为参数传递的表达式的行。

I want to use my htmlHelper like this: 我想像我这样使用我的htmlHelper:

@Html.AddTableFormField(model => model.UserName, @<text>
        @Html.EditorFor(m => m.UserName)<span class="warning">Use only letters</span>

This is my HtmlHelper (some irrelevant code was removed): 这是我的HtmlHelper(删除了一些不相关的代码):

public static MvcHtmlString AddTableFormField<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> property, Expression<Func<TModel>> customFormat = null)
        var metadata = ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression(property, htmlHelper.ViewData);

        string displayName = metadata.DisplayName;

        var propName = metadata.PropertyName;

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(displayName))
            displayName = propName;

        MvcHtmlString htmlCustomFormat = null;

        if (customFormat != null)
            var deleg = customFormat.Compile();
            htmlCustomFormat = new MvcHtmlString(deleg().ToString());
            htmlCustomFormat = htmlHelper.EditorFor(property);

        return new MvcHtmlString(string.Format("<tr>"+
                "<td class=\"form-label\">"+
                    "<label class=\"editor-label\" for=\"{0}\">{1}<label>"+
                "<td class=\"form-data\">"+
            propName, displayName, htmlCustomFormat));

I can't even compile it, because the @<text>...</text> parameter is invalid for the HtmlHelper because it is an 'lambda expression' and cannot be converted into Expression> 我甚至无法编译它,因为@<text>...</text>参数对于HtmlHelper无效,因为它是'lambda表达式'并且无法转换为Expression>

Anyone can help to solve it? 有人可以帮忙解决吗? I just want to pass any kind of @<text></text> to my HtmlHelper, and it just compile it and put it's MvcHtmlString into the formated return. 我只想将任何类型的@<text></text>传递给我的HtmlHelper,它只是编译它并将它的MvcHtmlString放入格式化的返回中。


I found What I was looking for in this post: ASP.Net MVC3 - Pass razor markup as a parameter 我在这篇文章中找到了我想要的东西: ASP.Net MVC3 - 将剃刀标记作为参数传递

The parameter type for the @<text></text> must be an Func<object, HtmlHelper> ! @<text></text>的参数类型必须是Func<object, HtmlHelper>

I found What I was looking for in this post: ASP.Net MVC3 - Pass razor markup as a parameter 我在这篇文章中找到了我想要的东西: ASP.Net MVC3 - 将剃刀标记作为参数传递

The parameter type for the @<text></text> must be an Func<object, HelperResult> ! @<text></text>的参数类型必须是Func<object, HelperResult>

<text>...</text> or @:是一个Razor语法(不是C#)来避免使用html元素,所以我的用法是使用string作为参数而不是@<text>

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