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[英]Creating video from image using FFMPEG

I am creating video editing application using JavaScript, ffmpeg and java. 我正在使用JavaScript,ffmpeg和Java创建视频编辑应用程序。 Using FFMPEG i have created extract n frame of video, than using canvas.toDataUrl I am replacing new image with existing image frame rate and everything has taken care, but when I use these image to create video, FFMPEG never include newly created PNG image. 与使用canvas.toDataUrl相比,使用FFMPEG创建的视频提取了n帧视频,我用现有的图像帧速率替换了新图像,并且一切都已妥当,但是当我使用这些图像创建视频时,FFMPEG永远不会包含新创建的PNG图像。

code to save png image from HTML5 canvas 从HTML5画布保存png图像的代码

Base64 decoder = new Base64();
    byte[] pic = decoder.decodeBase64(request.getParameter("pic"));
    String frameCount = request.getParameter("frame");
    InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(pic);
    BufferedImage bImageFromConvert = ImageIO.read(in);
    String outdir = "output\\"+frameCount;
    //Random rand = new Random();
    File file = new File(outdir);
            File writefile = new File(outdir);
            ImageIO.write(bImageFromConvert, "png", file);

Code for creating image from video 用于从视频创建图像的代码

String filePath = "D:\\temp\\some.mpg";
    String outdir = "output";
    File file = new File(outdir);
    Map<String, String> m = System.getenv();

     * String command[] =
     * {"D:\\ffmpeg-win32-static\\bin\\ffmpeg","-i",filePath
     * ,"-r 30","-f","image2",outdir,"\\user%03d.jpg"};
     * ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command); pb.start();
    String commands = "D:\\ffmpeg-win32-static\\bin\\ffmpeg -i " + filePath
            + " -r 30  -f image2 " + outdir + "\\image%05d.png";
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commands);

code for creating video from image 用于从图像创建视频的代码

String filePath = "output";
    File fileP = new File(filePath);
    String commands = "D:\\ffmpeg-win32-static\\bin\\ffmpeg -f image2 -i "
            + fileP + "\\image%5d.png " + fileP + "\\video.mp4";

You have declared the creation to be image%05d.png and using it ias image%5d.png. 您已将创建声明为image%05d.png,并使用ias image%5d.png。 So there is one zero less in the name. 因此,名称少了一个零。 That's it! 而已!

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