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[英]Getting sheet indice from Sheet Name in VBA

I need to pull a sheet's position in a workbook knowing only it's name -- so for instance: 我需要知道工作表中工作表的位置才能知道它的名称-例如:

if we have a sheet, say 如果我们有一张床单,说

how would I find the corresponding integer so that I could refer to it as: say i is an integer 我将如何找到对应的整数,以便将其称为:说我是整数

I need to be able to do this reverse indicing so I can refer to sheets next to the sheet I'm referencing. 我需要能够执行此反向指示,因此我可以参考我所引用的工作表旁边的工作表。

Thank you for your help. 谢谢您的帮助。

Workbook.Sheets("sheet name").Index

Edit: brettdj's answer inspired me, so I wrote this function which could probably be cleaned up infact thinking about it, if I were actually going to use and support this I would probably make a find sheet function instead of what the sub does if you say true for the 4th parameter: 编辑: brettdj的回答启发了我,所以我写了这个函数,实际上可以考虑一下它,如果我真的要使用和支持它,我可能会创建一个find sheet函数,而不是sub的功能,如果你说对于第四个参数为true:

Function adjacentsheet(Optional ws As Worksheet, Optional wsName As String, Optional nextSheet As Boolean = True, Optional search As Boolean = False) As Worksheet
'Expects worksheet or worksheet.name if blank, uses activesheet.
'Third parameter indicates if the next sheet or previous sheet is wanted, default is next = true
'Indicates adjacent sheet based on worksheet provided.
'If worksheet is not provided, uses worksheet.name.
'If no worksheet matches corresponding name, checks other workbooks if 4th parameter is true
'If no worksheet can be found, alerts the user.
'Returns found worksheet based upon criteria.

If (ws Is Nothing) Then
    If wsName = "" Then
        Set adjacentsheet = adjacentsheet(ActiveSheet, , nextSheet)
        'Check all workbooks for the wsName, starting with activeWorkbook
        On Error Resume Next
        Set ws = Sheets(wsName)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If (ws Is Nothing) Then
            If search = True Then
                If Workbooks.Count = 1 Then
                    GoTo notFound
                    Dim wb As Workbook
                    For Each wb In Application.Workbooks
                        On Error Resume Next
                        Set ws = wb.Sheets(wsName)
                        On Error GoTo 0
                        If Not (ws Is Nothing) Then
                            Set adjacentsheet = adjacentsheet(ws, , nextSheet)
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    If (ws Is Nothing) Then GoTo notFound
                End If
                GoTo notFound
            End If
            Set adjacentsheet = adjacentsheet(ws, , nextSheet, search)
        End If
    End If
    With ws.Parent
        If nextSheet Then
            If ws.Index = .Sheets.Count Then
                Set adjacentsheet = .Sheets(1)
                Set adjacentsheet = .Sheets(ws.Index + 1)
            End If
            If ws.Index = 1 Then
                Set adjacentsheet = .Sheets(.Sheets.Count)
                Set adjacentsheet = .Sheets(ws.Index - 1)
            End If
        End If
    End With
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox "Worksheet name could not be found!", vbCritical, "Invalid worksheet name."

End Function

Here are some usage examples: 'Usage Examples 以下是一些用法示例:'用法示例

Dim nextws As Worksheet
'returns sheet before the active sheet
Set nextws = adjacentsheet(, , False)
'returns sheet after the active sehet
Set nextws = adjacentsheet()
'returns sheet after sheet named "Test" in current workbook
Set nextws = adjacentsheet(, "Test")
'returns sheet after sheet named "Test" in any open workbook checking current workbook first
Set nextws = adjacentsheet(, "Test", , True)

If you want to refer to the Next or Previous sheet then you can do this without incrementing the starting sheet position 如果要参考NextPrevious一张纸,则可以在不增加起始纸位置的情况下进行操作

Sub Test()
If Sheets.Count > ActiveSheet.Index Then
Debug.Print "next method: " & ActiveSheet.Next.Name
Debug.Print "index method: " & Sheets(ActiveSheet.Index + 1).Name
Debug.Print "Active Sheet is the last sheet"
End If
End Sub

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