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Linq to Sql一般帮助-插入语句

[英]Linq to Sql General Help - Insert Statement

I am currently trying to create a new order (which will be shown below) in a web service, and then send that data to insert a new row into the database. 我目前正在尝试在Web服务中创建新订单(如下所示),然后发送该数据以在数据库中插入新行。 For some reason my DBML / Data Context does not allow me to use InsertOnSubmit. 由于某种原因,我的DBML /数据上下文不允许我使用InsertOnSubmit。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? I haven't used Linq to Sql in about 7 months. 我大约7个月没有用过Linq到Sql了。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

    public string InsertOrderToDatabases()
        //Start Data Contexts ------
        DataContext db = new DataContext(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RainbowCMSConnectionString"]);
        DataContext dcSqlOES = new DataContext(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OESConnectionString"]);

        //Get table from local database
        Table<Schedule> Schedule = db.GetTable<Schedule>();

        //Find last order number in databases
        var lastOrderNumber = from lOrder in Schedule
                              orderby lOrder.templ_idn descending
                              select lOrder.templ_idn;

        int firstOrderID;
        var firstOrder = lastOrderNumber.FirstOrDefault();
        firstOrderID = firstOrder.Value + 1;

        qrOrder qrOrd = new qrOrder
            .... data in here creating a new order


        //TODO: fix below with an insert on submit
        if (qrOrd != null)
        //    **Schedule.InsertOnSubmit(qrOrd);**

            //Submit the changes to the database
            return "Orders were sent to the databases.";
        catch ()


Based on your response, it appears that you are using the wrong table, or perhaps the wrong data type. 根据您的响应,看来您使用的是错误的表或错误的数据类型。 I also noticed that when you declare your local Schedule variable, you declare it as type Table<Schedule> , which means it should contain Schedule entities, not qrOrder entities. 我还注意到,在声明本地Schedule变量时,将其声明为Table<Schedule>类型,这意味着它应包含Schedule实体,而不是qrOrder实体。

Table<TEntity>.InsertOnSubmit expects a specific strongly typed entity to be passed in. In your case, it is expecting Web_Service.Schedul‌e , but you are trying to pass in a qrOrder . Table<TEntity>.InsertOnSubmit期望传递一个特定的强类型实体。在您的情况下,它期望的是Web_Service.Schedul‌e ,但是您试图传递一个qrOrder


That line will not treat to submit changes to connected entity , Try this 该行不会将更改提交给关联实体,请尝试此操作


you can try with 你可以尝试


Or 要么


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