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[英]How do I access an iframe from CasperJS?

I have a webpage with an iframe. 我有一个带有iframe的网页。 I'd like to access the contents of the iframe using CasperJS . 我想使用CasperJS访问iframe的内容。 In particular, I need to click buttons and fill a form. 特别是,我需要单击按钮并填写表格。 How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

The main webpage is main.html : 主页main.html

<a id='main-a' href="javascript:console.log('pressed main-a');">main-a</a>
<iframe src="iframe.html"></iframe>
<a id='main-b' href="javascript:console.log('pressed main-b');">main-b</a>

The iframe is: iframe是:

<a id='iframe-c' href="javascript:console.log('pressed iframe-c');">iframe-c</a>

My naïve approach: 我的天真做法:

var casper = require('casper').create({
    verbose: true,
    logLevel: "debug"

casper.start("http://jim.sh/~jim/tmp/casper/main.html", function() {

casper.run(function() {

Doesn't work, of course, because the a#iframe-c selector isn't valid in the main frame: 当然不起作用,因为a#iframe-c选择器在主框架中无效:

[info] [phantom] Starting...
[info] [phantom] Running suite: 2 steps
[debug] [phantom] opening url: http://jim.sh/~jim/tmp/casper/main.html, HTTP GET
[debug] [phantom] Navigation requested: url=http://jim.sh/~jim/tmp/casper/main.html, type=Other, lock=true, isMainFrame=true
[debug] [phantom] url changed to "http://jim.sh/~jim/tmp/casper/main.html"
[debug] [phantom] Navigation requested: url=http://jim.sh/~jim/tmp/casper/iframe.html, type=Other, lock=true, isMainFrame=false
[debug] [phantom] Successfully injected Casper client-side utilities
[info] [phantom] Step 2/2 http://jim.sh/~jim/tmp/casper/main.html (HTTP 200)
[debug] [phantom] Mouse event 'click' on selector: a#main-a
[info] [remote] pressed main-a
[debug] [phantom] Mouse event 'click' on selector: a#main-b
[info] [remote] pressed main-b
[debug] [phantom] Mouse event 'click' on selector: a#iframe-c
FAIL CasperError: Cannot dispatch click event on nonexistent selector: a#iframe-c
#    type: uncaughtError
#    error: "CasperError: Cannot dispatch click event on nonexistent selector: a#iframe-c"
CasperError: Cannot dispatch click event on nonexistent selector: a#iframe-c    
  /tmp:901 in mouseEvent
  /tmp:365 in click
  /tmp:1103 in runStep
  /tmp:324 in checkStep

Is there any way to make this work? 有什么办法可以使这项工作吗? A hack that involves poking into phantomjs directly would be fine, but I don't know what to do there. 直接涉及到phantomjs的hack很好,但是我不知道该怎么办。

I'm using CasperJS version 1.0.0-RC1 and phantomjs version 1.6.0. 我正在使用CasperJS 1.0.0-RC1版和phantomjs 1.6.0版。

Spent forever looking for this, and of course I found the answer minutes after posting the question. 一直花时间寻找这个问题,当然我在发布问题后几分钟就找到了答案。

I can use the new frame switching commands added to phantomjs in this commit . 我可以在此commit中使用添加到phantomjs的新帧切换命令。 Specifically, the this.page.switchToChildFrame(0) and this.page.switchToParentFrame() functions. 具体来说, this.page.switchToChildFrame(0)this.page.switchToParentFrame()函数。 It appears undocumented, and it also seems that the methods have been changed for upcoming releases, but it does work: 似乎未记录在案,并且似乎方法也已针对即将发布的版本进行了更改 ,但它确实起作用:

var casper = require('casper').create({
    verbose: true,
    logLevel: "debug"

casper.start("http://jim.sh/~jim/tmp/casper/main.html", function() {

casper.run(function() {

From 1.0 you can use withFrame 从1.0开始,您可以使用withFrame

  casper.open("http://www.example.com/page.html", function() {
    casper.withFrame('flashHolder', function() {
      this.test.assertSelectorExists('#the-flash-thing', 'Should show Flash');

实际上,您必须使用Phantomjs 1.5提供的新--web-security=no功能,才能访问这些iFrames及其内容。

Suppose we have different frames(frame1 and frame2) and we have to access different elements(like click or check if div tag exits or not) of those frames. 假设我们有不同的框架(frame1和frame2),并且我们必须访问这些框架的不同元素(例如单击或检查div标签是否退出)。

casper.withFrame('frame1', function() {
    var file = '//*[@id="profile_file"]';

casper.withFrame('frame2', function() {
  casper.then(function () {
            function pass() {
            function fail(){

You can do something like this: 您可以执行以下操作:

casper.start("url here...", function() { 
    this.withFrame(0, function() {
        this.evaluate(function() {

You can replace the zero with the name of the iframe. 您可以将零替换为iframe的名称。

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