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[英]Change color of a table cell using javascript using dropdown menu

I'd like to use some javascript code to change the background color of a single cell within a table. 我想使用一些JavaScript代码来更改表格中单个单元格的背景颜色。

I have some code below which allows me to change the page background color. 我下面有一些代码,允许我更改页面背景颜色。 This is similar in concept to what I would like to do, but I would really like to be able to change just one cell...not the whole page. 这在概念上与我想要的类似,但是我真的很希望能够只更改一个单元格,而不是整个页面。

I have thought about making the rest of the cell borders and background colors white, leaving the cell I want to manipulate transparent, but I think this probably a brute force method that will cause me trouble down the road. 我曾考虑过将其余的单元格边框和背景颜色设置为白色,而使要操作的单元格保持透明,但是我认为这可能是蛮力方法,这会给我带来麻烦。

Does anyone have any advice to do this with javascript? 有没有人建议使用javascript做到这一点?

The page background color changing code is here: 页面背景颜色更改代码在这里:

<form name="bgcolorForm">Try it now: 
<select onChange="if(this.selectedIndex!=0)
<option value="choose">set background color    
<option value="FFFFCC">light yellow
<option value="CCFFFF">light blue
<option value="CCFFCC">light green
<option value="CCCCCC">gray
<option value="FFFFFF">white

Are you looking for something like this? 您是否正在寻找这样的东西? http://jsfiddle.net/2KdmA/ But if you are going to manipulate heavily I suggest using jQuery. http://jsfiddle.net/2KdmA/但是,如果您打算进行大量操作,建议您使用jQuery。

just use: document.getElementById('theID').style.backgroundColor ="#" + value on the cell. 只需使用: document.getElementById('theID').style.backgroundColor ="#" + value单元格上的document.getElementById('theID').style.backgroundColor ="#" + value

Are you using jQuery? 您正在使用jQuery吗? Or it has to be pure JS? 还是必须是纯JS?

with jQuery you can use $(selector).css("background-color", value); 使用jQuery可以使用$(selector).css("background-color", value);

If it is only one single cell (not repeated) you can give it a specific ID and then target that in your onchange event. 如果只有一个单元格(不重复),则可以为其指定一个特定的ID,然后在onchange事件中将其作为目标。

For example, if your td id = "mycell" 例如,如果您的td id =“ mycell”

then call a function updateColor on change of the select 然后在选择更改时调用函数updateColor

<select onChange="updateColor(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">

and here is the function 这是功能

function updateColor(color){
    var myCell = document.getElementById('mycell');     
        myCell.style.background = "#"+color;


See the updated fiddle 查看更新的小提琴

If you want to access by cell coordinates, you can do something like 如果要按单元格坐标访问,可以执行以下操作

function cellColour(tableId, row, column, col){
    var t = document.getElementById(tableId);
    if(!t) throw '#'+tableId+' does not exist.';
    if(t.rows.length <= row)  throw 'Row '+row+' of #'+tableId+' does not exist.';
    t = t.rows[row];
    if(t.cells.length <= column)  throw 'Column '+column+' of row '+row+' of #'+tableId+' does not exist.';
    t = t.cells[column];
    t.style.backgroundColor = col;

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